Chapter 5

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(James PoV)

"Bye mum. Bye dad." I said hugging each of them.

"Bye James I'll miss you." My mother said. "Bye Sirius. I'm going to miss you as well." She then brought Sirius in for a hug just as tight, if not tighter, than the hug she gave me.

"Bye Mrs. Potter." Sirius said hugging her back. It bothered her a bit when he called her that and she tried to get him to stop but he keeps forgetting.

"Okay mate. Let's go." I said. "Bye. I love you!" I said one last time to my parents before I left for the train with one of my best mates at my side.

"We should find Remus and peety. Then we could go find a compartment." Sirius said to me.

"But we might not get a good compartment that way. I'll go find Remus, Peter, and the girls. You go get us a good compartment."

"Oh right, the girls. By that you mean lily, right?" Sirius smiled and shoved me a bit.

I shoved him back then he walked off with his trunk dragging behind him.

Just as I was turning I heard my name.

"James!" A sweetly familiar voice.

"Lily!" I said back and walked briskly over to her. When I reached her I engulfed her into a big hug wrapping my arms around her. And to my surprise, she hugged me back.

"Hi." She said stepping a bit awkwardly away from me.

"Hi." I had just realized, her parents were just behind her.

"How was your summer holidays?" I asked a little to formally.

"It was nice. And yours?" She asked just as formal.

"It was vey enjoyable. I was just gonna go find Remus and Peter. Do you wanna come?"

"Oh, yeah! Of coarse!" She hugged her parents. Then looked as if she was going to hug a sour looking girl standing next to them, but then seemed to think better of it.

I, being the gentleman I am, took her trunk.

"Who was that girl?" I asked. Then immediately regretted it. "Sorry. You don't have to answer. I was just. Curious. I don't want to pry."

"Oh no, it's okay! That was my sister petunia. She's getting married this year. On Easter actually. She doesn't like me all that much." Lily said. She said it said it so casually. Like she's had to tell lots of people.

"Oh." Was all I could think to say. I knew nothing about her situation! But I was spared having to say more by Remus coming up to us.

"Hello. How'd you both enjoy your holidays?" He asked.

"It was good." Lily said smiling.

"Excellent! And yours James?"

"Was great!" I said. I spotted Peter in the crowd. "Peety!" I yelled. He turned looking. When he finally spotted me he walked over.


We had finally gotten everyone found and were settling into our seats in the compartment, when I over heard this conversation between lily and Marlene:

"Guess what!" Lily said.

"What??" Marlene replied enthusiastically.

"I got head girl!!!"

"What! Nah uh! That's awesome! Can I see the badge?!"

"Here it is!" Lily said pulling a gold and red badge with the words "head girl" on  it.

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