The Evaluation

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I step into the evaluation room. It's a medium-sized room, with a high ceiling, all white walls, and bright white lights overhead. I squint and cover my eyes, the brightness a sudden change. There is a medical bed in the center of the room, the foot of it facing what looks like a mirror, when I know it is two way glass.

"Sawyer Rush? Please stand in front of the bed in the middle of the room." A voice says over the intercom. I slowly make my way there, legs shaking with every step. Suddenly a woman enters the room, she looks older, possibly late-forties, with dull brown-blond hair and dark brown eyes and thin judgmental lips.

"Hello. I am Dr. Tarneck, I am here to evaluate you physically, please remove the paper gown." She says. She has a smile on her face but I can tell it's fake. I remove the gown, exposing myself completely to the doctors. Dr. Tarneck looks over my body, and then she begin the physical examination. She first pokes my arms, gently, feeling the muscle I have. Then she feels my waist, and pinching my skin, seeing how elastic it is. She then feels my breasts, seeing how much breast milk they could possibly hold. Then she runs her hands along my hips, seeing their width to accommodate potential future births. She gently prods my thighs and my legs, again seeing how much muscle is there. And finally, she has me lie on the table, and exams my nether regions.  

I know that the other doctors are behind that two way glass, watching my examination, taking notes. I try to zone out, to be anywhere but there. But it's hard. Then soon enough, the physical examination is over. But there is more. Dr. Tarneck leaves, and in walks another doctor. It's a man this time. He is an older man, possibly in his early-sixties. He has a large bald spot on his head with thin, white hair around it. He actually looks much kinder than the woman.

"Hello Miss Sawyer, nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Comis, I'll be performing your aesthetic evaluation today." I feel more calm with this man, and I am grateful he is only performing my aesthetic evaluation. Basically the evaluation to see if I'm attractive enough or not to pass down good genes.

First he touches my hair, feeling the texture of it. It was fine and silky, and I kept it long, and it was the color of a midnight sky as I liked to say. Next, he shines a light in my emerald green eyes. He then checks my complexion, and seeing that it is mostly clear, grunts in approval. I don't think he completely approves of my rather large nose, with a bump in the middle, frowning a bit while measuring it. He then leans away and says,

"You are a very pretty girl, Sawyer. Those eyes especially. Did you know that you have sectoral heterochromia?" I know that already but I was hoping they wouldn't notice, any attractive genetic mutations were rare and valuable in the choosing. I shake my head, pretending I didn't.

"Well what sectoral heterochromia means is that a part of one of the eyes is a different color then the rest. In your case, about a fourth of your right eye is brown while the rest of your eyes are a very rich green." He explains. I nod with a fake smile, acting like I was happy about this discovery. 

"I'm glad I met you, hope to see you again Miss Sawyer!" He says, walking out of the room with a smile. I now feel even more unnerved, knowing that my chances of being chosen were exponentially higher than ever. Then as quick as the other two, a third doctor walks in. Another male. Now came the final part, the mental evaluation.

"Hi Miss Rush! I'm Dr Nixu. I will be performing your mental evaluation today." He is also very nice, and seems very nonthreatening. He is of asian descent, with kind soft eyes and a nice smile, he is younger than both of the other doctors, seeming in his mid-thirties. He isn't very tall, and is slim. I feel calm again just by being in his presence. Man they know how to pick them good.

"First we are going to inject you with a serum, just to make sure you aren't lying about anything." He says with a smile. I knew they were going to give me truth serum, and I know that there isn't any way to lie with it in your system. He takes the needle and slides it into my skin, quick and painless. The serum acts quickly, and I immediately have no filter.

"Now I will ask you some questions. Miss Rush, do you wish to be a Mother?" I don't even try to lie on this one, the words come out of my mouth before I can think of them.

"Hell no! The last thing I want to do is be a Mother!" I say. I hear him gasp in shock, I'm guessing none of the other patients gave that answer. He tries to keep his cool though, and he then continues,

"Why do you not wish to be a Mother?"

"Because I won't have any choice in the rest of my life! I won't get to choose how I live, what I do with my body, and I'll basically be a human incubator!" I say, I cringe at my own words, wishing I could've said better reasons.

"Now now, the Mothers are in a place of honor. They are who created you and me. Surely you'd wish to have that position?"

"Nope! I respect them and all but I wanna do stuff with my life other than be a whiny pregnant chick! I wanna work, I wanna make a difference!"

"If you are chosen however, you do know the only other option is to become one of the Shunned? If you are chosen is that what you'd do?"

"Well what kind of choice is that? Either be alive and pregnant or die from starvation in a year. Honestly that is the only time I'd rather be a Mother." There was silence from everyone. I knew I shouldn't have said that. Now they know I'd be willing to do it. Tears start to spring from my eyes,

"No! Please don't make me a Mother! It's my worst fear! Please if you have any mercy you won't make me a mother or a Shunned! I'm begging you!" I say, the tears pouring.

"Ok we're all done here, please exit this way, goodbye Miss Rush!" Dr. Nixu says, quickly ushering me out of the room. As soon as the door to the other room closes, I collapse in a puddle of tears.

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