The Other Girl

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My mom and I both look to the door. Whoever is there knocks again. Sharp tap tap tap!

"Oh sweetie they're here! Hurry go pack your bag! I'll get the door!" My mother shouts. I run to my room and close the door. I hear the door open and my mother say, "Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm Sawyer's mother! She'll be right out, she's grabbing her things!" I then hear one of the collectors reply,

"Sorry Ma'am, she won't need anything. We need her immediately." I understand why they do this. Because of my mental evaluation they don't want to give me any chance to escape. I know I wouldn't be able to anyway, they would catch me and I would become a Shunned. I look around my room, and see two things I want to take. I grab and shrink a holo-picture of me and Ainsley when we went to the water park, we are both wearing matching swimsuit bottoms, it being one of the trendy new topless for all water parks. It was from when we were 15, and it was one of the best days ever.

The other thing I grab is my robot dog, Bumble, he is tiny and modeled after the Chihuahua breed. I've had him since I was 5. I stuff both these things in a small backpack, and walk out right when the collectors are about to walk in. It's two burly-looking men, both over 6'5 probably.

"Miss Rush, I am Livingston, this is my partner Palmerston. We are here to bring you to the Mansion. Say your goodbye's now, you won't be able to see your friends and family for about two weeks." I look at my mother and hug her, tears in her eyes.

"I'm so proud of you darling, I love you and will see you soon! You'll love it!" she says. She hugs me back tightly. Soon before I know it, I'm out of the house and am walking to a fancy looking hover car. I wonder if they've picked up the other girl yet, or if I'm the first. What was her name? Bee? That sounds like a nice name, I think to myself. I'm in shock now, the tears no longer threatening. I sit in the back of the car, Livingston drives and Palmerston sits in the front passenger seat. I try to keep my  mind off things by looking at my holo gram.

The tension in the car is only made worse by the silence. The guards know I don't want to be a Mother, it was most likely told to them in case of attempted escape. So they can't talk to me about if I'm excited, because they know I'm not. The silence weighs on the car, heavy in the air, proceeding to make the whole thing quite awkward. Then it dawns on me, What if this is a dream? What if I'm having a nightmare from the night before the evaluation? The thought comforts me and I hold on to that hope. I try pinching myself but it doesn't work. I don't try it again, I don't want the hope that I might get out of this to be crushed.

What feels like hours later, but in reality was probably only five minutes, we stop in front of another house. It's bigger than my house, but not huge. I'm guessing this is where the other girl lives.

"I'll go get the other girl, you stay here with this one Palmerston." Livingston says. Again they know they can't leave me alone. Livingston leaves the car and goes into the house. It's silent in the car for a few moments before,

"I'm sorry this happened." Palmerston says it, not turning around. He says it very quietly, with caution. "I know you didn't want this. You know it wasn't like this in the old days." I knew that. I knew that in the beginning of the 21st century, people were just starting to really manipulate genetically. But then they were stopped by the government, worried about design to order babies. But at that point most people wanted perfect genes, and many women no longer wished to carry the children themselves. So the invention of the Mothers was born. At first it was volunteer only, but it became such a hit, and so many girls with bad genes were volunteering, that they began to choose.

I murmur back quietly, "Thank you." to Palmerston. Just then Livingston steps out of the house with a girl next to him. She's very tiny, probably only about 5'0, but has the right hips and breasts for the job. I'm guessing this is Bee. She looks very excited, her tiny body jumping with joy. Livingston opens the door and she sits down next to me, and I get a closer look at her face.

She's very attractive, with very light blonde hair and contrastingly dark chocolate eyes. She has pale skin and a light sprinkling of freckles over her nose. Her lips are tiny, plump, and pink. She has a big smile on her face and her eyes light up when she see's me,

"Oh my god are you Sawyer! Hi I'm Bee! You're so pretty! I'm so excited I never thought I'd become a Mother! I love your hair, it's like the night sky!" she talks a mile a minute, with a very high-pitched voice.

"Hi, nice to meet you. Thank you, and I never thought I'd become a Mother myself." I say, carefully wording it to avoid any lies.

"Aren't you super excited!?" Bee asks.

"This will quite a different experience!" I say, trying to put positivity into my voice. In this new place, where I know I'll stay for probably the majority of my life, I will need friends. And Bee seems genuinely sweet, even if a little hyper.

"Hey, have we met before? You look super familiar?" Bee says.

"I don't know, what school do you- um- did you go to?" I say correcting myself. Neither of us will go to school anymore.

"Francesco High,"

"Oh that's where we know each other! I went there too!" I say, fake excitement on my voice.

"Oh yeaaaaahhhh! I think you might've been in my, um, computer science class freshman year!" she says.

"Yeah! Ms. Wincheseter right? That's cool to kinda know someone." I say. After that we chat a bit, my nerves calming for the time being. The car eventually stops and there we are, parked in front of the same medical building as I was this morning. That's when I truly let go of all hope because I know.

This is real.

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