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Over the next several days we get no news on Sloane. The house is quieter than usual, none of us are sure how she is. Of course there is a very slim chance anything went wrong, but then why would they keep her this long? No one says much, we simply go about our day. We haven't even had a video game tournament since that first night. I'm worrying so much about her, I don't know what I could do if she was gone. She was my anchor in this place, even when we didn't speak, she kept me feeling hopeful. Without her I don't know what to feel.

Bee seems to be the only one unaffected by Sloane's absence. I'm not sure she knows what her being gone this long means, she probably thinks that Sloane is just staying longer because she wants to. Bee has been so excited since she met the parents of her child. She told me they are a very attractive couple, a man and a woman who both have successful careers and a large house. They already have one child and their application for a second was approved! Bee asked about the name and gave her own suggestions and they told her they'd consider it. I no longer try to warn her, I just support her, following Florence's advice.

I have morning sickness all the time now, and certain foods smell really weird to me. They tell me that a woman's sense of smell is screwed up in the beginning of the pregnancy. Great. Another ailment given by a pregnancy I don't even want. Sophia helps however, she has become very attentive to me and me only, like my personal maid although I would never refer to her as that. She is my friend.

I've learned that she was one of the last women able to give birth to their own children, before the Mother's were implemented. She had twins in fact! A boy and a girl who both have their own families and adult children now. Also I've learned that before she was a maid, she actually worked at a cell phone company and helped design the phones, but then holograms were released and cell phones became obsolete. She didn't mind though, her children insisted on her not working but she tells me she can't stand doing nothing all day, she wants to do something at least a little worthwhile. So she attends to the Mothers of the new generation, and she enjoys it.

Four days after Sloane left to give birth I am going through my usual bout of morning sickness, and as per usual Sophia is insisting on running a hot bath or a cup of peppermint tea. I am about to accept the peppermint tea when I hear a commotion from the front door. It's Sloane. I run to the front door and see her and am about to run over to hug her when I notice something. Her grey eyes are dazed and red and puffy. Her brown hair greasy and matted. She's quiet and holding her head down and not responding. I can infer immediately what happened. She was too upset over the separation and so they kept her in several days to calm, and when she didn't they drugged her and sent her back.

I walk over and just put my arm on her shoulders and don't say anything. She doesn't say anything either and just leans her head onto my shoulder, and I lead her upstairs silently. The others girls just let me pass by and don't say anything. We all know what her look means.

I lead her into her room and call Sophia up. I ask her for two cups of hot strawberries, and she leaves to go prepare it. I walk Sloane over to the dresser, seeing that she is still wearing the same clothing she left in. I get the softest pajamas I can find out, and ask her if she wants to dress herself. She doesn't respond so I realize I will have to do this myself. I raise her hands over her head and pull her shirt off, and take her shoes and pants off. She wasn't wearing a bra at the time so she doesn't have one on now. I see the stitches and dried blood on her belly from the C-Section, so I gently try not to touch those. I decide against helping her change her underwear, that's a little too weird, I'll let her do that bit herself. I pull the cotton t-shirt over her head, and put the soft pajama pants on her one leg at a time. She doesn't say anything or respond to anything. Just stares off into space.

I get her back into the bed and get a brush out and brush the tangles out of her hair. Then the hot strawberries arrives and I help her sip that. She relaxes and turns over on her side. I simply just rub her back until I hear her breathing even as she falls asleep.

I leave the room quietly so as not to wake her. Bee is right outside the door when I get out.

"Hey! What was that all about? What's wrong with Sloane? Can I go say hi? I wanna ask her how it was?" she is really excited and loud, so no way in hell am I gonna let her go in there and make Sloane upset.

"Hi Bee, no you can't go see her, she's really tired and she's sleeping. I was just helping her get to bed, childbirth can take a lot out of you you know." I say quietly.

"Oh come on! She had 3 days of rest why should she need more!" Bee is getting impatient, clearly not understanding.

"Bee, you don't understand. She wasn't resting in that hospital, she was..." I am about to tell her Sloane was crying but I decide against it, knowing she'll tell everyone else, even though they already know it doesn't need to be said. "She was helping the doctors with some minor research to make her next pregnancy better." it's a bullshit lie but I know with Bee's trusting nature she'll most likely believe it.

"Oh okay then, when can I see her?"

"When she's rested and ready, but not before then okay?" I tell her.

"Okay! Hey wanna go carve pumpkins like they used to do for Halloween? The other girls are." she says. I forgot it was almost Halloween, I loved dressing up. I'm sure I could request any costume I wanted.

"Yes I'd love to, let's go!" I say. I manage to distract myself with pumpkins and caramel apples and thoughts of costumes. We all agree to request a food item. I'm gonna be an ice cream cone, Bee is gonna be a pineapple, Fae is gonna be a strawberry, and Florence is gonna be a piece of candy corn. We don't know what candy corn tastes like because they no longer make it, but we know that it was an iconic symbol of Halloween.

Overall the rest of the day goes pretty well. But Sloane doesn't get out of bed for the next week.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2016 ⏰

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