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We drive in the car in silence. Bee doesn't look upset, she just looks surprised and a bit nervous. Palmerston says nothing, he is a like a stone wall, imposing, always there. No trace of the sympathy I got from him on the previous night. I cannot hide my misery. I am facing away from Bee, staring out the window. I now know no tears will come, I have accepted my fate already, and it's only been a day.

I begin to think of the life that will grow inside me. A tiny, feeble life kept only alive by my body. Or if I wanted to think about it a different way, a parasite, growing inside me. Sucking out nourishment I need provide for myself, and ruining my body in the process. In my depressed state, I liked the second description better.

The car stops in front of the same hospital from the night before. Palmerston lets us out, and we walk through the same medical doors yet again. This time there is no waiting, Palmerston leads us right through the waiting room and seems to know exactly where to go. We pass the room from last night, and walk to the end of the hall, and stop at the very last door.

"You shall both have the procedure done here. I will be waiting for you outside." Palmerston says in a monotonous voice. Bee opens the door and walks in, and before I can step through, Palmerston nods at me. I know he is wishing me courage, and I nod back. My sadness must be painfully prominent.

As before, there are two beds side-by-side. A doctor is waiting in there, just as before, but it is not the same woman from yesterday. This is a male doctor, and he looks to be in his early to mid-forties.

"Hello girls! Nice to meet you. I am Dr. Visha, and I shall be performing your insemination." He smiles and seems friendly, but also a bit blank in a way as if to say he knows he won't remember our faces tomorrow. We're no one special, just more girls to put sperm in.

"I shall begin with Bee first." He says, not asking if we want a choice. It is then I have an idea. I could just get up and run right now, while he is preoccupied with Bee. Maybe Palmerston will pretend to be distracted, to let me go. I could run through so fast no one would be prepared, then once I'd get out of the hospital I could run to the backwoods and hide. It could work. A flare of hope rises in me.

But... what kind of life would that be? I think. I wouldn't have any friends, I'd be cold and hungry, I'd be a wanted fugitive. But I know what the alternative is. In a burst of courage, I tense my legs, prepared to leap off the table.

But then Bee whimpers, and reaches over across the table for my hand. What am I thinking? I can't leave her. She's probably just as scared as I am. But she'll have Sloane, and the others. I think to myself. She'll be fine. I prepare again to leap when Bee cries out in pain. Suddenly a fierce wave of wanting to protect her, this tiny girl who seems much younger than she is, who shouldn't be here in the first place. The plan shatters to pieces in my head, and I reach across and grasp her hand, and she squeezes tightly, seeming to be in pain.

"Are you ok?" I whisper.

"Yeah, it was just super super cold this time." She says in a shocked voice.

"There we go all done! Now Bee please remain seated while I start on Sawyer here." He is on a rolling chair, and rolls his way over to my table. Without saying anything he puts something metal down there, and Bee is right, it is very cold. I yelp a bit without meaning to, and try to zone out while he does the procedure. I concentrate on Bee's hand, and squeeze it. She squeezes back just as I feel a warm rush enter my body. There's no going back now.

The rest of the procedure is a blur, and really just the doctor telling us what symptoms to look for and to alert someone as soon as they occur. And then we drive home, as simple as that.

It's late when we get back, and I'm guessing all the woman are asleep. I make my way up to my room, and walk in without saying anything to Bee. I lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling, a numb feeling washing over me. I'm pregnant. Or rather, have a fertilized egg in my vagina. I ponder yesterday, feeling like it was centuries ago. Going to the mall with Ainsley, looking at music and clothes and eating sushirritos. God how I miss her. I decide to send a holo-call to her, and hope she picks up. She picks up after the first ring, her face appearing in hologram form from my arm.

"Hi!!! Oh my god Sawyer! How is it!? I was wondering when you would call, aw school's been nuts today since you got Chosen!" she says, and excited tumble of words pouring from her mouth.

"Hi, I've missed you too. The house is really nice. And...," I couldn't think of anything else to say, and then a sadness came washing over me like a tidal wave and the tears well up involuntarily. My voice breaks as I speak, "Oh god Ainsley! I hate it! I miss you so much and I'm scared and...and..." I don't want to say it, but I know I have to, "and I was impregnated today!" the last words are in a broken sob, and then I start bawling like a baby.

"Oh no Sawyer! I thought they didn't do that for at least a week! I...well... I am so sorry you got dealt this card Sawyer. But it'll be fine, you'll adjust. And I'll visit as soon as I can." She says, her voice sad and tinged with lost hope. I am about to say more but I hear a voice yelling from Ainsley's end, "So sorry but I have to go! I will call you as soon as I can!" she abruptly ends the call.

I feel deflated. All that and she couldn't even ask for more time? I know it's not fair to blame her but I do anyway. I then hear a knock on my door.

"Hey, it's Sloane. You want some company?" I hear her voice, gentle and kind.

"Come in." I say, trying to keep the tears out of my voice. She walks in, and has two mugs of some drink in her hand, they are steaming from the top.

"I brought hot strawberries. Like hot chocolate but with strawberries, and it's a million times better. I know the night after your first... you know... can be rough, so a person to talk to is always nice." She hands me a mug, and I sit up on my bed, she sits down next to me. I look at the steaming liquid, and it looks like a pink version of hot chocolate, even with marshmallows. I take a sip and Sloane's right, it is amazing.

"Thank you so much." I say, my voice breaking on the last syllable.

"Hey, it'll get easier. My first nights were pretty rough also, but you learn to love it."

"Honestly," I'm not even sure if I should say this, but I want to say it to someone else so badly, and it seems like I can trust Sloane, "honestly, I didn't even want to be a Mother in the first place." I expect her to gasp but she doesn't, she just stares calmly at me. She then leans over to whisper to me,

"I didn't want to be one either." I gasp, and she looks at me again, a sadness in her beautiful eyes and I feel a deep connection to her. I don't know why, but I relate to her, and I feel comfortable with her. Our faces are a mere several inches apart, and I want to kiss her all the sudden. I don't know why, I just met her, but I feel my body leaning in without my permission. She begins to lean in too, but I have stroke of fear and cough and turn away. What if someone sees us kiss? I don't know what they'll do but I don't know if that's against the rules or not. She blushes and turns away too, "Well, I better go. Hope you feel better." she gets up and quickly leaves.

After the door closes I question why I am attracted to her, we just met. But there is some undeniable spark there, and clearly she felt it also. I want to call her back, but I decide against it. I groan bury my face in a pillow, and eventually fall asleep.

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