The Fear

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I get out of the car and look at the medical building in front of me. My mom starts driving away and yells to me, "Good luck! Love you sweetie!" I plaster on a smile and wave back at her, pretending to be cheerful. In all truth I am terrified, terrified that I will be chosen.

If I am chosen, I will never have a real choice again in my life. You can't choose whether you want the job or not, if you fight, you are shunned from everyone you know and love, and are made homeless, and it is illegal for anyone to help or even speak with you. Not many choose this life, but you see the women on the street. In ragged clothes, bone thin, crying out for help. Most girls don't live a year if they choose that fate. And if you do choose to be a Mother, you sit around all day, not allowed to do anything useful except grow a human. Then once you give birth to that human, you just have another egg fertilized and grow another, and another, until your ovaries don't work anymore. Then once that happens, you put in a home with other retired Mothers, given a pension, and try to live out the rest of your days.

I cross my fingers and hope desperately that I will not be chosen.

I take a deep breath, and step inside the cold, gray building.

Inside there are many girls my age waiting in line for their evaluations. They are all chattering excitedly amongst themselves. Only two girls are chosen each year, so it's a very low chance to be picked. I walk over, getting to the back of the line, when I hear a voice call out,

"Sawyer! Over here Sawyer!" I look and it's my best friend, Ainsley. She's waving to me from further up in the line. I run up and hug her and take a place next to her in line, much to the disgruntlement of those behind us.

"So, are you ok?" Ainsley asks. She knows of my fear of being chosen, and knows that this day is not good on my nerves.

"No, honestly I'm not. My heart is pounding and I kinda wanna cry right now." I don't even try to lie, she knows me too well and would call my lie in a second. Ainsley just hugs me again, and then I just lean my head on her shoulder as we inch our way toward the front of the line.

Once we reach the front, a woman writes our names down and our ID numbers, and has us sit in a waiting room with several other girls. Their name is called, one by one, and they disappear into the room. Eventually we are the only ones from our group in the room.

"Ainsley Dansworth, number 4251377." Ainsley stands up and we hug one last time, and she disappears. The next few minutes feel like hours, and the build up of anxiety in my chest makes me wanna scream. Eventually I hear the ding and my heart pounds,

"Sawyer Rush, number 4253315." I stand up and slowly walk towards the door, my heart in my throat. I could run away now, I think to myself. But I shake my head, and walk into the room.

The first room is a small changing room, with a bag for you to put your clothes in, and a paper gown to change into. As slowly as I can, I change out of my shoes, my jeans, and my sweater. Then I remove my bra, and my underwear, again as slowly as possible. Prolonging the inevitable. I hold on to the hope that I won't be chosen, but I have an odd sense of premonition that I will. Once changed, I take a big gulp, and walk into the evaluation.

Chosen to be pregnant (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now