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After the impregnation things pass by in a blur, as if I'm watching my life occur as an outsider. We don't do much, us Mothers. We are required to do certain things, for our health and the child's. We have to eat at least three meals a day.  Then we have to do certain exercises, some for pregnancy, like breathing, others for our body, like cardio. Then we have extracurriculars to do, such as yoga and meditation, art and photography classes, and school. We can also take dance classes, singing lessons, and film making. Overall it is a broad range of things to keep us occupied. It isn't required to participate in school, but we can higher our education if we wish. We have private tutors that only work with us, so that we can really concentrate.

I choose to continue my schooling, mainly because of boredom. Besides that I choose photography as a class, and am given a professional camera to use at my leisure. And I decide to take up meditation as well, to find balance and all that. Sloane is also in photography, and quite good I must say. Her photos are of nature, and they play with sunlight. She has found a method to get a star outline of the sun in any photo she chooses. She won't explain it if I implore her however, she says it's a secret. Bee is in my meditation class, which does not make sense to me considering her hyper personality. I assume she would get bored the first day and leave, but I am shocked by how she calms and really seems to find inner peace very quickly. And my schooling is going well, my tutor is very kind and seems to know just how to explain it to me so I understand it the first time.

Overall my activities keep me occupied for about four hours a day. The rest of my time is spent for recreation. Recreation such as socializing, watching TV, and playing video games. We have the best and newest consoles for gaming at all times, and to my surprise the Mothers are all quite the gamers. They even have tournaments several times a week. Redheaded Fae is very good at racing games and Sloane is a master at first-person shooters. I get beat a lot in the first-person shooters, but I win occasionally in the racing games. Bee has never touched a controller in her life, so she mainly just watches and cheers us on.

As for my pregnancy, it still hasn't been confirmed if the egg was fertilized yet because it hasn't even been a week. Although I have an odd feeling that it did take, and that a clump of cells are separating and growing into a life form inside of me right now. That thought scares me.

The week passes and I wake up one morning as usual, when all of the sudden a wave of nausea hits me and I run at full speed to the bathroom, where I see again the dinner I ate last night. After I am finished I get up, rinse my mouth out and brush my teeth. I have a feeling this is morning sickness, I mean what else can it be? I know I am supposed to report this, but I decide against it. I lie to myself, saying it's because I don't want to waste the doctor's time, but I secretly know the truth. I am afraid to know, afraid to know I'll never go back.

With shaky hands I get dressed (sweats and a loose shirt as per usual) and walk downstairs to get breakfast. The smells hit me all at once and I want to retch again, but I keep my cool and request some light fruit crepes for breakfast. I eat slowly and don't talk, trying to disguise my churning stomach. Sloane notices the difference in me immediately,

"Hey Sawyer, are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just not that hungry is all." I say. She nods and rubs my back gently. It feels comforting and I relax quickly, and the nausea subsides so I am able to eat the rest of my food. Before I can leave to go to my tutor however, Sloane pulls me aside and gives me a stern look.

"You're nauseous aren't you." It's not a question, but rather stating a fact. I just nod my head. "You know you're supposed to report that right?" I nod again, not saying anything. "Why not? Why won't you-" her sentence breaks off as the lightbulb glows above her head. "Oh, you don't want to know if you're pregnant. You're afraid." Why try hiding it? I nod my head again. She doesn't say anything, just pulls me into a hug, her large belly pushing into my flat one.

We stay like that for several minutes, and then we hear someone coming, so we separate. Sloane just nods to me and I know what it means, she's saying I'll be ok and to report if things get worse. How can I decipher a nod so specifically? I don't know, but I still feel that connection to her that I felt that second night. After that I head to my classes, and have to leave to go puke in the middle of my tutoring session. My tutor reports it immediately, and I go to the hospital, and come out knowing my fears are confirmed. I'm pregnant.

I sit in my room that night, contemplating the life growing inside of me. Is it a boy or a girl? Will it have good parents? Do I want to care about this child, or will it make it harder to separate from it? I am thinking all of this when I hear a knock on my door. It's Sloane again. I tell her to come in and she walks over and sits on the bed next to me.

"Hi." is all she says.

"Hi." I reply.

"I'm sorry, I know you don't want this."

"It's ok. Like you said, I'll learn to love it, right?" I say, my voice filled with pity for myself.

"Of-of course!" she says, but I can see the lie plainly in her eyes. Tears well up in mine for the life that I lost, the potential course I could've taken where I had choices, but now I don't. I put my head in her lap and cry it all out. She just sits there, stroking my back like my mother used to do. After a while I sit up and stop crying, ashamed of myself for my pity party.

"Sorry, I know I shouldn't be this upset." I say.

"You can be upset, we had our choices taken away from us." she says calmly, looking off into the distance.

"I just don't know how I'll get through nine months of this. Let alone the rest of my life!" I say. She turns and looks at me, her grey eyes crystal clear. We both lean in at the same time, and this time neither of us looks away.

Our lips meet in a kiss.

Chosen to be pregnant (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now