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Bee and I follow Niles through the dining room, past the hallway, and eventually into what appears to be a living room. I am sad still, but I know by now I cannot change my fate. Soon enough I will be pregnant, and I will probably go stir-crazy. But maybe I'll go crazy enough for me to enjoy my time here.

"As you know, you are now Mothers. You will be the founders of the population in this region of San Fransisco for years to come. By the time you retire, people you have never met will be your biological kin. Moving on. This here is the main sitting room. Besides being just for sitting, this room also serves as a meeting room for when announcements need to be made." Niles says. We nod our heads and continue walking and go into a giant kitchen, with granite counter tops and state of the art appliances. We follow Niles down a set of stairs.

We then walk into what appears to be a movie room, with giant seats and a big holo television.

"You probably already learned this is school but we are going to remind you of the history of the Mothers. Please take a seat." Niles gestures towards the seats, and Bee and I get situated. Niles walks away and the lights dim, and the screen turns on. The first image it shows is of a newborn baby being handed to it's mother, just after birth. A voice booms overhead,

"This is how reproduction used to be. You'd want a baby, you make one yourself, simple as that. Everyone was happy with this arrangement, for it was what nature had intended right? Well with the rise of the technological age, we weren't so happy with this arrangement anymore." The screen changes and shows a deformed looking baby, attempting to cry with a smashed face but only succeeding in making an awful gurgling/choking sound.

"This is how more and more babies were born. Some blamed the pollution, some blamed overpopulation, some blamed divine intervention. But in all truth, it was genetics." The screen switches again and shows a close up a pair of genes. "Genetics are what make you who you are. You appearance, you capability, everything about you from your parents. The problem was, not everyone was passing down good genes to their children, it became and epidemic. It became more common to have babies with a birth defect or learning disability than without. And soon enough, everyone was sick of it. At first they tried to fix the genes in the womb, but that proved too difficult, and too expensive." It switches and shows a scientist inserting a needle into a pregnant woman's stomach.

"It wasn't until the 2020's that we finally found the solution. Why not just choose genetically preferable individuals to birth the world's population? It was cheaper, it was easier, and parents could be assured that their baby would be happy and healthy. There had already been smaller versions of this, surrogate mothers and such, but the thought was what if no one but these genetically perfect individuals have children? The entire population will be perfect! The first set of women were chosen from a group of volunteers, and the babies given randomly to couples who applied. It was a huge success. And since the Mothers were doing a great favor, they were treated admirably in return." The screen switches and shows couples holding up beautiful, healthy babies.

"At first it was a strictly volunteer only basis, but soon too many genetically imperfect individuals were volunteering because it was such a sought after position. So the government set up the evaluations, were girls of age 18 would be evaluated and whoever was genetically preferable would be a Mother. Now there are much less people with birth deformities or learning disabilities in the USA than before the time of the Mothers. And now the system is if you wish to have a child, you simply apply." The screen shows people cheering and healthy babies and the screen eventually fades to black. I already know all this, but I was shocked by how good and heroic they make it sound.

Niles walks back over to us, and gives us a tour of the mansion. It's has three floors, two spire rooms, and a basement. The first floor is the main areas, the second floor is for the Mothers, and the third is for the servants. One of the spire rooms is an emergency hospital, the other is a storage room. We see other Mothers along the tour, and say hi to them, some reply some don't. Soon enough it's lunch time, and but instead of going to eat, like we see the other Mother's doing, Niles gets a call on his holo-gram.

"Yes... I see... that's perfect... Immediately? That makes sense... Ok I'll bring them right over... Goodbye." Niles hangs up and turns to us,

"Well according to your results, both of you are at the peak of ovulation, and even though this is a bit sooner than we normally do it, we are going to impregnate you both today. Livingston and Palmerston will drive you to the hospital, I will see you later for dinner tonight. If you have any special requests just message me on your holo-gram. Good day." Niles says, walking away. Bee and I stare in shock. Oh my god this is real this is real no no no no I'm not ready! My thoughts echo in my head. I am a swirling vortex of panic on the inside, but on the outside I'm cool and collected. Bee is bouncing up and down with excitement, but a bit a nervousness too.

"Come on Bee, let's go to the car." I say, in an emotionless voice. Bee nods and we walk out and see Palmerston waiting for us. He nods and lets us in the car, and it truly hits me.

I will be pregnant by tonight.

Chosen to be pregnant (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now