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We enter the medical building, and I think back to just this morning. My fear, my hope, my anxiety. Any hope is now permanently crushed, there is no way out now. I chastise myself for not attempting to escape earlier. The numb feeling of being in shock fades away, leaving me with an emptiness. I kinda wanna cry, I kinda wanna scream, but I really just wanna be home. Another silence falls over us, the guards obviously not talking, me contemplating, but I wonder why Bee isn't talking.

I look over at Bee and she has her hands on her stomach, probably imagining the baby bump that will grow there soon.

We walk over to another door, on the opposite side of where the line from this morning was. Palmerston holds open the door, and Livingston enters first, then Bee, and then as I'm walking through, Palmerston gives me a sad smile of encouragement, for which I am grateful. At least I know I'm not completely crazy to feel this way.

The room we enter is basically that of a hospital waiting room, but with a prisoner mug shot photo area on one side. I know what this is for. This is so the richer couples can choose what mother they find attractive so their child will be attractive. Livingston goes over to the camera,

"Ok girls, when I take your photo, I want you to smile. Make sure to show those teeth! Don't cover your face at all, it has to be a flattering photo. Who wants to go first?" Bee squeals and raises her hand like a 5th grader. Livingston beckons her over. I stand behind Livingston, wanting to see the photo. Bee smiles a very sweet smile, her short blonde hair perfectly set, her brown eyes sparkling.
The camera clicks! and the photo is taken. Bee looks very pretty in it, and very happy. She'll probably get a lot of requests. The photo is only from the neck up, they'll probably just describe her body.

Then it's my turn. The last thing I want to do is smile, but I try to think of something happy. I think back to that day at the water park with Ainsley, and I remember our fear to go down the water tubes, and how Ainsley landed backwards in the pool below. I almost crack up thinking about it, giving me the perfect smile for the camera. The camera clicks! and flashes, temporarily blinding me. I walk over and see my photo, and I look way happier than I feel. My green eyes are bright, my black hair perfectly set also (surprisingly) and my smile is beaming.

"Great job girls! I'm certain you'll both get many requests. Now onto the egg sample, follow me." Livingston says. We follow him down a hall way to the right of us, and we quickly stop at a door on the right. "You'll both be examined and sampled in this room. I hope you don't mind being together, we find it's generally better for the Mothers to be together in exams to keep each other calm. Palmerston and I will be right outside." Livingston says.

We both enter the room, and see two medical exam beds in the middle, side by side. A female doctor is already in there.

"Hi, nice to meet you both. I'm Dr. Pines, I'll be sampling your eggs today. Please remove your pants and underwear and lay down on the beds. You can hold hands for comfort if you wish." she seems kind also, unlike the other female doctor I encountered earlier. She's the youngest doctor yet, late twenties I presume.

After introducing ourselves, Bee and I remove our pants and underwear, and are seeing each others nether regions.

"Well this is a good way to get to know someone I guess? Ha." I say, trying to be funny.

"Haha! That's funny," Bee says. We both lie on the beds, and after I settle myself, I see Bee reaching across with her hand.

"I'm kinda nervous, can we hold hands?" she says timidly. I smile and take her hand.

"Ok, I'll start with Bee on the left here." the doctor says. Bee squeezes my hand, and looks up at the ceiling. The doctor sticks something in her, and little Bee yelps a bit in surprise.

"It's cold!" she yells.

"I know it is, please hold still though." Dr. Pines replies. Bee nods and holds still, but I can see she's very uncomfortable.

"It's ok Bee, just try and think of something else, a happy memory?" I say trying to help her. She nods and soon she relaxes, clearly lost in her thoughts.

Within a few minutes the procedure is over, and I see the doctor slipping something in a test tube. I assume that's the egg. They need to test our eggs for how willing they are to be fertilized.

Next thing I know the doctor is in front of me, and Bee is holding my hand. Dr Pines slips something cold and metal inside of me, and it shocks my system a bit, but I keep my cool. I transport myself to the water park again. Soon enough the procedure is over, and Bee and I are getting dressed again.

We walk outside and Livingston and Palmerston are still there.

"How'd it go girls?" Livingston asks us. We nod and say it was fine. "I'm glad to hear that. Well now that that's all done, it's time we got you to the Mansion."

We get back to the car and drive in silence. It's awkward again. Neither Bee nor I feel like talking much after that odd situation.

"It's gonna be a bit of time. The mansions a little ways out of town. If you're tired you guys can nap." Livingston says. It's only after he says that do I realize how tired I am. Bee must be really tired because just minutes after he said that, Bee's head falls onto my shoulder. She's snoring just a tiny little snore. I lean my head against the window, and sleep takes over me.

Chosen to be pregnant (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now