The Meeting

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I wake up in the morning and quickly remember what I need to do today. I'm meeting my child's parents today.

I go through the day as usual, but am let out from my photography class early to get ready for my meeting. I decide not to wear my usual uniform of sweatpants and a loose shirt because I don't want to seem like a slob. I remember it's fall currently, almost Halloween actually. I choose a tight long sleeved black floral shirt, that is cut just a bit short. Hey I'll have a pregnant belly soon, why not enjoy a flat stomach while I can? And I also choose some dark skinny jeans, and combat boots. These ones are bright pink, like I've always wanted, and now I can have them. It's always odd to think I can have anything I wish at any moment I want it. Well. Almost everything. Everything but my freedom.

I do my make up for the first time since I arrived here, and poof up my already poofy black hair a bit. I then grab a purse and run downstairs. Palmerston is waiting by the door.

"You look very nice Miss Rush. I like the shoes." He says, chuckling a bit to himself. I smile and walk out to the car with him, it is then I remember suddenly, for no reason at all, that I haven't spoken to Ainsley in a couple weeks. Once in the car I message her immediately.

Hey Ainsley, it's me. Sorry I haven't messaged, just been distracted. I got a reply soon.

Oh, hi! It's ok, I've been super busy also, what with homework, and clubs, and hanging out with Celeste. I frown at this and wonder who Celeste is.

Who's Celeste? And I bet the homework is rough haha! I say only half joking.

Celeste is this new girl I met who is totally awesome and a blast to hang out with. We hang out all the time. Maybe if they have a visiting day you guys can meet! This shocks me, my reasonable side is telling me it's not like that, but my unreasonable side feels as if Ainsley has already replaced me with this Celeste girl. Tears burn in my eyes. Stupid hormones.

Oh that awesome, maybe we can meet. Anyway I gotta go, talk to you later! I shut off my hologram and try to hold the tears back, not wanting to ruin my makeup. Then I remember it's waterproof. Palmerston notices me struggling, and thankfully turns on the radio. I curl away and let the tears flow the rest of the way there.

We arrive to a bustling downtown area with little shops and restaurants all over. Palmerston leads me over to the restaurant I'll be dining at. It's an Italian pizza place, yum. Palmerston shows me two photos, whom I assume to be the parents. He scans the restaurant and finds them quickly, pointing at their booth. We walk over together.

The men are young, like I was told, and both very handsome. They see us walk over and both stand up.

"Hi! You must be Sawyer! We are so glad to meet you!" the first one says. He is tall, at least 6", and has light blue eyes and light brown hair. He wraps me in a hug before I can say anything. The other man pulls him back, sensing my surprise.

"Now Joseph, relax honey. She just met us." the second one says to the one named Joseph apparently. The second man is also handsome, his skin is like dark chocolate and has very kind and dark eyes, and a shaved head.

"Oh you're right, my bad. I'm sorry, I was just excited, we just have wanted to meet you so badly! And you are just as gorgeous in person as you are in person!" Joseph says. "Oh right, as you probably realized I'm Joseph, and this is my partner Mark." I shake Marks hand. I realize I should probably speak.

"It's really great to meet you guys also! And thank you about the photo thing, I personally thought that photo was rather unflattering but apparently not!" I say laughing. They both look curiously at Palmerston, wondering about his looming presence. "Oh this is Palmerston, my bodyguard."

They shake hands and Palmerston tells me he'll wait by the door. I ask if he wants food but he declines. Afterwards we all sit and pick up a menu. I order a slice of pizza with mushrooms, sausage, and pepperoni on it, and some iced tea. They both order a slice of veggie pizza and sparkling water. After the waiter leaves we start to chat.

First we chat about normal things, where I went to school, what grade was I in, how old I am (they are both a bit surprised to hear I'm only 16), hobbies etc. Then I ask them questions, what their jobs are (Joseph is currently a low level business man but plans to become a stay-at-home dad, Mark is a pharmacist and earns more than enough to support the family), how old they are (Joseph is 25, Mark is 27), when they met (in college at a party), hobbies (Joseph rides bikes a lot, Mark enjoys traveling) etc. Then we begin the actual discussion,

"So Sawyer, you are probably wondering many things about us. Our parenting style, our financial situation, the name?" Mark says kindly.

"Well..." I try to think of how to put this, "I do wonder, all of those things. But I'm not sure I want to know the answers," I say thinking back to what Florence told me. "I can't let myself become attached you see, not that I don't care, but rather I fear caring too much. This is for my self-preservation you see." I say. "All I really need to know is if you will love and accept this child for whoever they become, and support them in any endeavors they choose." They both nod thoughtfully.

"That is completely understandable, and I-we can reassure you, that we will love this child with all of our hearts, will support them no matter what, and will be the best parents we can possibly be." Joseph says with a smile. I smile back, feeling better about this meeting. "Also one more thing, I'm guessing that means you do not want to have input on the name?"

"No, I don't. I don't really even want to know the name you choose, can you promise me that? At least not until a while after the pregnancy, if we keep in touch that is." They both nod and promise they won't reveal anything to me unless I specifically ask for it. Then the food comes and the conversation becomes lighthearted again. After we all hug at the end and they tell me how happy they are that I am their child's Mother, and I tell them I am happy they will be the child's parents.

After that Palmerston and I leave, and I get home and collapse into bed, exhausted by the mental toll taken on me today.

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