A Change

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I am woken up by the sounds of running footsteps. For a moment I forget why I am asleep in my going out clothes, then I remember the meeting and the discussion. I groan and get up and change back into my comfy clothes. I look at the clock and am surprised, it's 6:00! I got back at what, 2:00? 2:30? I've been really asleep. Then I remember there is a reason I was woken up... the footsteps! Someone was running!

I run downstairs and find all the Mothers gathered around looking nervous and the maids looking rather frantic.

"What's going on?!" I say. Bee runs out of the huddled group and says,

"It's Sloane! She's having her baby! We're waiting for the ambulance right now!" I gape at Bee for a moment, and then run down to where I see Sloane, hunched over and grimacing a bit. 

"Sloane! Are you okay? Don't worry it'll be fine," I say, she doesn't respond but gives me a small smile to let me know she's okay. Fae is glancing around worriedly, holding her own enlarged belly. Florence is just looking around, like it's any other day. I assume she's seen this many times before, but then I realize if she has she's probably transferred from another Mansion in a nearby city. This town just recently became big enough to have a need for Mothers, most small towns get babies from the bigger Mansions in bigger cities. I hear New York City has five Mansions all with at least 50 Mothers in each! This Mansion was only started four years ago, that's why it's only us five. And it would make sense as to why there is an uneven number, if Florence transferred. The thing is, why would she need to be transferred?

I don't have time to ponder that thought because Sloane lets out a yelp of pain, and next thing I know I am rubbing her back and whispering that it'll be okay. I look over and see Bee standing at the stairs with a terrified expression on her face. She probably didn't realize how much pain you're in before they put you under the anesthesia. I try to give her a reassuring look but she doesn't see it, just looking at Sloane with fear.

I hear the ambulance arrive outside, and so does everyone else. Livingston, who I did not notice standing nearby the entire time, jumps into action. He opens the front door and runs over to help support Sloane walk. We all lead her over to the ambulance, which has a stretcher all set up, and watch her get strapped in. They put her in the ambulance and Livingston jumps in with her, and before I can say any last things to her the doors close and the ambulance drives away, leaving a dust cloud in it's wake.

We all stand there for a minute, trying to gather our thoughts. Then Palmerston appears and ushers us all back inside. Then Niles, our butler, tells us we will have rich chocolate cake for dessert tonight, as a celebration for Sloane. I think it's a little odd, to celebrate without her here, but I suppose they just want us to relax and they think cake will solve that. And honestly, the cake is so delicious we all have three slices, the moist rich chocolate melting in our mouths.

After dinner we are all on a sugar high. We all move to the living room and begin to set up the gaming system for a tournament, when Bee throws a pillow at my head. I look at her, smirk, and throw it back. Next thing I know all four of us are in a full-on pillow fight. We are squealing and slamming the pillows at each other, and we all forget about Sloane for that period of time. We are having fun, living a bit of the rest of our childhood that was taken from us. Then a pillow hits Fae particularly hard in the nose and she asks for a break, and Palmerston immediately runs over to see if she is hurt. She's fine but we get told to stop that for now.

The rest of the night is usual gaming night, but it's weird to play the first person shooters without Sloane here. Turns out I am the second best at shooters and dominate everyone, but the absence of Sloane is too much to revel in my glory.

That night as I am falling asleep in my bed, I sit there worried about Sloane. Is she okay? Is the baby healthy? Did something go wrong? Could Sloane have lost a lot of blood? Was the ambulance too late in getting there? My mind is overrun with these questions and I realize I won't be able to sleep like this. I decide against my usual habit of just staying up, knowing that the questions will torture me all night. So I walk along the dark hallway of the mansion, and see two of the maids in the kitchen having a drink.

"Um... hello?" I feel like a small child talking to my parents after bedtime. The maids stop their chatting and stare at me in surprise, the older one jumps up and runs over to me.

"Is everything all right dear? Are you not feeling well? Do you need me to get Niles?"

"No no no, I'm fine in that respect. I just can't sleep so I was wondering if you had some sort of sleep meds that I could take." I say hurriedly.

"Of course sweetie! Wait right here and I will grab it for you." the maid is very kind, the younger one is ignoring me, sitting with a glass of wine in front of her and reading some magazine. The kind one comes back with a pill in one hand and a glass of water in the other.

"Here you go, now be ready to sleep because this thing will knock you out very quickly. We're are only allowed to give it to the early term Mother's because of it's strength." she says smiling. "Now do you need anything else? Milk? Cookies?"

"No I'm okay, thank you." I go to leave but then realize, I don't know this kind woman's name. "What's you name? I just realized I don't know it." The kind maid looks at me in surprise, probably by the fact that I, a Mother, asked her name so I could thank her properly.

"My name is Sophia, forgive my surprise, it's just-"

"None of the other Mothers have asked your name?" I say with a smile.

"Well, yes. I mean I don't expect you to, I rarely directly interact and converse with you ladies."

"Well I'm glad I know your name." I say with a smile, "Thank you very much, Sophia, I appreciate your help."

"Oh your welcome Miss Rush! Let me know if you need anything." I look into the old woman's face, with smile lines and soft brown eyes and silver hair.

"There's no need for you to call me that, call me Sawyer." I say, Sophia nods with a smile and I go to leave again but then I turn and ask the younger maid, "Also you, what is your name?"

The younger maid leers at me, "why would you care? I didn't do anything for you, Sophia did."

"Well you did do stuff for me, you do stuff for me all the time. Helping prepare my food, cleaning up my dishes, cleaning my room, and I want you to know I appreciate it." The maid still looks wary, unsure of what I want, but she says,

"Ava." that's all she says, and returns to her reading.

"Well, thank you Ava, and thank you again Sophia, good night!" Sophia waves goodbye and I walk back upstairs to my room. How selfish I've been, I think. Having these maids work and clean up my messes and I don't even know their names? I realize I'm becoming a bratty Mother.

I know that thinking like that won't help me sleep, so I take the pill and turn off the lights, and within seconds am pulled under to a dreamless abyss.


Hey so sorry I haven't updated and suddenly start updating again! Let me know if you're enjoying this in the comments below and I'll try to keep a more regular update schedule. Also if I don't explain anything fully let me know in the comments and I'll explain it there or incorporate an explanation into the next part. Thanks to anyone who waited that whole year from the first part to the next ones. Also give me feedback! Whether it's criticism or compliments! I love hearing from you!


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