"We should probably get back, the bonfire is about to begin." Newt told me wiggling his eyebrows playfully.
Me and newt have become fast friends in the time that he's been showing me around and explaining the glade. I laugh and slap his shoulder. "Are you sure you I can do this though?" I ask.
He nods. "I'm positive. Do you know why?" He asks.
I shake my head smiling. "Nope."
"Because I believe in you." I smiled at that and my heart swelled.
"Aww Newtie, that's so sweet!" I say as he laughed at the nick name that I gave him.
"So the Bonfire tonight." I say moving my hair out of my eyes.
"Yeah." He says in his adorable British accent and leads me to the bonfire.
The sun has set completely by the time we arrive at the bonfire. A group of boys were huddled in a circle cheering and shouting at something. I push past them to see what all the fuss is about. Two boys were in a circle fighting. Why were these boys fighting and these bystanders just laughing and watching as if it was entertaining?
I step inside the circle and break them apart. "STOP FIGHTING!" I yell my voice booming and the fighting stopped as did the cheering.
I felt eyes staring at me from behind and looked behind me to see who it was. It was Minho. I stared back still annoyed with the encounter
Pig face boy glared at me. "Just what do you think your doing greenie?"
I glare back with the same intensity. "Saving both of you from getting your butts kicked!" I yell.
"It's a game greenie! Of course you wouldnt understand klunkface, and now that you ruined my game with him, now you have to fight me." He raised his fists.
My eyes narrowed. "Your on. What do I have to do to win."
He laughs as if that was the funniest thing in the world. "That's the thing shank, you don't!"
I laugh my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Very funny." I circle around him.
Newt walks up to me. "You try and push Gally out of the circle, and he tries to push you out."
Gally laughs his demonic laugh. "You try and last 2 seconds shank. "GO!"
He fakes a punch and laughs when I fall for it. "Such a klunk face. He immediately runs towards me like a bull. I side step and he comes about 5 centimeters away from passing the circle. I laugh. He had the brains of a bull.
He rammed into me and I winced. And the strength. I add. All his friends laughed and pointed. My nostrils flared as heat boiled up in my chest. I shouted and punched him in the chest as hard I can. He fell to the ground and I pounded his chest over and over.
I felt someone's eyes on me again, and I knew it was Minho. "Stop staring Minho." I shout and I swear I saw a hint of a blush as he looked away.
Pig face pushed me off and kicked me in the stomach and I doubled over in pain. He walked slowly towards me and paused before he attacked as if he just wanted me to do something to him, so I did. I reared my foot back and kicked him where the sun don't shine, grabbed his wrists and judo flipped him out of the circle.
I looked at my hands in amazement. How the shuck did I do that? I laugh softly as I realize that their language is growing on me. Did I like, take karate lessons before I woke up in the box.
I tossed the thought away and laughed at pig face. "Take that for girls can't fight punk!" I sneer playfully. That's when I realized that the whole group grew silent and were staring at me. Why were they staring at me?
I walked back to Newt slowly and whispered. "Why are they staring at me?"
"You just beat Gally, that's why they're all staring at you." Newt told me.
I sit down by Newt who happened to be sitting by Minho, and I saw Minho was staring at me but when he saw me notice he quickly looked away. What was his problem?
The group gradually began to talk again and I let out the breath that I didn't realize I have been holding.
Someone touched my shoulder and I flipped out smacking their hand away. I sighed when I realized that it was Minho.
"What do you want?" I asked kinda annoyed. If he hates me why won't he just leave me alone?
He rubs his hand which now has a red welt on it. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for earlier Geez shank."
I was tempted to forgive him, but I didn't. Instead, I continued to be a jerk. "Oh so now want my forgiveness after I beat up Gally because you know that if you mess with me again I'll beat you up like I did him?" I ask. And when I saw the hurt in his eyes I immediately regretted my words.
"No." He told me angry now. "I was going to say, I'm sorry for being a jerk and what I did was a really rude thing to do, I'm not used to having girls around so I snapped at you." He stomped away his face slightly red with anger.
"I'm sorry!" I try and shout back at him but he was too far away and probably didn't hear me.
I turn towards Newt. "Should I go after him?" I ask worried.
He shakes his head. "No, if I know Minho then he will want to be left alone.
I sigh. "I feel really bad for hurting his feelings." I say frowning.
Newt laughed. "Hurt his feelings?" He laughed again as if that was the funniest thing he's ever heard.
"If anything you angered him. It's not often that Minho apologizes and when he does, he feels really bad and when one doesn't forgive him, well... Let's just say you won't have a happy life." He chuckles. "At least that's the way he is with the boys."
My eyes sadden. He was just trying to apologize, why do I always have to be such a jerk?
I sigh. I'll apologize when I see him again.
"Cmon Tamara, everyone is going to bed. You should too," Newt says touching my shoulder.
I sigh and let him lead me to the homestead which was as far away from the boys as I can get. And I Layed myself down on a bed sighing.
As they always say, the first day is always the worst day. I fall asleep thinking about Minho.

The Warrior (A TMR Minho Fanfic)
FanfictionYou have been told that Teresa was the first girl in the glade, but whoever told you that, clearly didn't know the whole story. ~ "It's a girl." Said the boy with sandy blonde hair and an accent I couldn't quite place. "No, It's a bouncing baby boy...