(Chapter 16) Bow Da Shuck Down Shanks

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Newt and Alby got me working on my new jobs that very day. "Alright Greenie, So today you're going to be working as the Glader Tamer, because between you and me, everyone is a bit wacky today after seeing you and Minho this morning," Newt says winking.

Alby chuckles. "Good that?"

I nod with a faint smile on my face. "Good that." And with that, I started my first day as a Glader Tamer. I began walking a lap around the perimeter of the glade, my piercing blue eyes scanning the glade for any trouble makers, seeing nothing wrong so far.

I begin to sit down under the shade of a tree when I hear the loud sound of someone shouting the most stressful sound I've ever heard in my life. I turn my head towards the sound of that poor anguished glader and see a builder sitting on a large wooden beam, slamming his fist onto the beam.

I immediately rush over towards him and put a hand on his shoulder, speaking the soothing calm words that would heal any stressed soul. "Hey Shank what da shuck got you all stressed like that?" I ask removing my hand from his shoulder and placing it on my hip.

He lifted his head from his hands and looked at me like I did something wrong. I mean now that I think about it, I haven't even been here for a week and I'm the one calling him a shank. Honestly, if I was him, I would've slapped myself already. Thankfully I'm me, and that shank remained that shank.

He let out a breath and ran his fingers through his scruffy blonde hair. And I must say, his hair was wonderfully abundant with dirt. (Let's call him Dirt Boy Not that I was judging him or anything, I mean it's not like there are showers here that he could use every day or something.

"I have no ideas in my brain." He rants at me shouting like he was a preacher, preaching about how he brains just didn't work these days

I cough a laugh. "What do you need ideas for?"

"Alby and Newt are wanting us to make more buildings in the glade, and they want us to think of some." Dirt boy grunts.

"Well I personally think that the other gladers would love to sleep in a shelter instead of on the ground, so you could build more rooms." I offer tapping my food against the ground. "And a place where we can just hang out and have fun..."

Dirt boy nods his eyes widening as if he was having a load of ideas just coming to him. "And there could also been more flowers and stuff around here, also some fruit trees if you know what I mean..." My eyes widen as a spark ignites in my brain and I am blessed with the most Shuckin amazing as shuck idea.

"Operation Glade." I whisper softly inaudible to dirt boy. I stand up and pat his shoulder running off to find Alby and Newt. I had to tell them about my idea. "I hope I helped you with your Ideas Dir-, Dude." I switch up my words quickly before he heard my not so nice nickname for him and ran looking for either Alby or Minho.

I see Newt first working with the track-hoes, pulling weeds. I saw him pick up a Dandelion and hold it up to his lips. He took a deep breath and blew, the little white fluff seeds soar into the air and float down towards the ground. I saw him turn towards someone with a huge smile on his face, and I immediately smiled when I saw who it was. Belle.

In that moment I couldn't help but sneak closer and listen in. "What did you wish for?" Belle asked with a smile.

"I wished for one of my friends to open up their eyes, to see what the shuck is around them and for them to stop being so bloody oblivious." He told her with an adorable British chuckle.

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