(Chapter 10) I Cant Tell If Hes Flirting, Or Making Fun of Me

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"Please flip onto your stomach so I can wash your back Minho." I say as calmly as possible. I didn't want him thinking I was here for any other reason than to heal him. I don't want to give any hints that I like him because it's almost completely obvious that he doesn't like me back.

He attempts to turn on his belly but then rolls back onto his back. "Yeah... About that, I can't. I'm afraid that your going to have to turn me over." He said dramatically.

I crack a smile, but hide it quickly, then rolling him onto his stomach. Oh god his back was gorgeous. My eyes widened and it took a moment for me to remember that o had to wash his back. "Any time now Tam." Minho said teasingly, like he knew I was admiring his back.

"Don't call me that." I retort smiling softly, secretly loving when he called me that, and hoping he'd say it again.

"Well that sucks. I guess I gotta think of a new one." He paused for a moment and then laughed. "I am officially calling you TamTam."

I laugh with him rolling my eyes. "Whatever, but now that means I have to think of a nickname for you." I pick up the warm soaking wash cloth and softly slid the rag down his beautiful toned back. I feel him shiver at the feel of the warm damp cloth sliding down his cold back. "How about, MinMin?" I ask quietly making it official in my brain. He was MinMin now, and he couldn't do anything about it.

He buried his head in his pillow to stifle his laugh. "MinMin sounds childish and girly, And I'm not childish, or girly? I'm very mature, masculine, and sexy, and hot." He chuckled, and I shook my head.

"No MinMin, you are very childish, and can be very girly at times. You act like your 12." I tell him truthfully washing the back of his amazingly arms.

"On a scale of One to Ten TamTam," he smirks in his pillow adorably.

"Are you going to lift your head so you can breath?" I ask smiling softly, but actually worried that he might just kill himself by refusing to breath.

"TamTam, I can't kill myself by deciding not breathe. My lungs need air so when I really need it I will throw my head up and breath. I have no choice. People don't drown because they held their breath for too long. They die from drowning because their lungs needed air and when they had no choice but to take a breath in, their lungs fill themselves with the water they are drowning in and then they die. So don't worry about me."

I clapped softly. "I never knew that you were so smart," I compliment. "But now It's time to breath." I say while sitting him up, placing a towel under his back so the water wouldn't seep onto the bed and be uncomfortable, and then rolled him him back onto his back.

"Ah, there's that beautiful face again." Minho flirts. At least I think he's flirting. Is he flirting? I brushed it off my my famous roll of the eyes, my eyes dragging themselves down to where I would be washing next. His stomach. Or should I just say abs.

My mouth hung slack and I almost drooled on him, da shuck was he? A shuckin God? Thankfully I managed to close my mouth and play it cool after seeing that glorious hot dang sexiness. "Dang Minho, your arm looks really bad." I say letting in air through clenched teeth. It was true, his arm did look horrible, and it was the only possible way for me to save myself from extreme embarrassment, and from awkwardly professing my love. Hopefully it worked...

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