(Chapter 8) The Greenie Better Not Be Taking My Shank

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You guys made the goal of getting most of my chapters to over 100 reads so you get an early update! TYSM! AND MY FIRST CHAPTER IS UP TO 200 SHUCKIN READS!!! ILYSM GUYS!

~Tamara's POV~

My eyes widen as he tells me the whole story about what happened today in the maze. My eyes stare at Minho's muscular arm finally noticing the somewhat hidden gash there. I stop him when he tells me about the Griever screaming in agony. "Minho you need to go to the homestead and fix yourself up!" I say worriedly touching his arm lightly.

He flinches from where I touched his bloodied arm and looks up at me and rolls his eyes shaking his head. "I don't need any medical attention, I'm fine." He starts to talk again and I slap his leg from under the table. He shucking flinched. He is feeling pain and I can't have that.

"Shank!" I shout annoyed. "You need to get that bloody gash fixed the shuck up!" I say sternly and grab his non injured arm and dragging him out of his chair. The whole room quiets down and eyes start turning towards us.

"Sorry guys, just ignore me." I say and I flick my wrist signaling that they can keep eating the great meal I fixed them.  I see some eyebrows raised as if they were thinking. What the shuck makes this girl think that she could tell us what to do? Da shuck? I got the weirdest stare from Alby who for a moment looked like he could tackle me to the ground but his expression changed just as quick as it came. They shrug and one by one they each continue eating and conferring.

I turn back to Minho and drag him out of the dining area. "You are getting your arm mended Mr. Tough Guy."

"But you haven't even heard all the story! The most important part is coming up!" He protests trying to wiggle his way out of my grasp. I tighten my grip and give him the most stern stare I could muster. "Minho! You we hurt and I'm not just going to let that gash get infected and spread all throughout your body. I'm not going to let you die!"

He scoffed. "Your over reacting, I'm not gonna..." He starts but I stop him, covering his mouth with my hand. I turn towards him and give him my most convincing puppy dog eyes, letting my pupils grow larger and my lower lip stick out the slightest bit, then I let out the final touch by saying in an adorable sad, soft voice, "Please?" He looks at me for a good long while before sighing in defeat "Fine."

I grin triumphantly and continue walking with him to the homestead occasionally looking at the gash in his arm. By the time we arrive, the sun has already set and the moon and stars were out signaling that it's 6:45pm.

I enter the homestead immediately calling out. "Hello? Anyone here?" I didn't actually memorize the names of the medics here so this was honestly the best I could do.

A boy walked down the stairs and looked at me, and then at Minho before speaking. "What seems to be the problem?"

"My shuck face friend here got scratched by a Griever. I don't believe it stung him, just a scratch, and I wanted to get it checked up before it spread all over his body." I say occasionally looking up at Minho to glare at him.

Minho sighs and rolls up his sleeve showing the boy his injury. "Yeah... It's probably nothing, I mean I barely feel..."

The boy stops him. "We'll take care of him. Thank you." He takes Minho and starts to lead him up the stairs.

"Wait! Umm, can I stay up there with him?" I ask cautiously. I didn't nessecarily know why my brain and my heart was telling me to stay here, but if both my brain and my heart are telling me that this is the right thing to do, then how can I refuse?

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