(Chapter 2) Shucking Shankettes

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-Minho's Perspective-

The sun began its descent and at that moment I knew that it was time to head back or I would be trapped in the maze for the night. And no one survives a night in the maze. I turned around satisfied with my run and ran down the dark dimly lit corridors.

I was almost back at the Glade when I heard a slow moaning. My eyes widened as my heart stopped. It couldn't be, they only come out at night. It's just not possible! I turned the corner peering through the corridors cautiously. I snuck further into the corridor and saw nothing.

I shook my head. I must've drank too much of Gally's Secret Remedy Drink last night. I must be delusional. I was about to turn around when I heard it again, except this time a scream followed. My head snapped towards the screams my heart pounding against my rib cage.

I ran towards the screams. "Help! Help me!" The cries for help became more desperate each second. "Hel..." The voice was cut off and I heard gurgling. In that moment I swear my heart stopped much too long for my comfort. I ran faster and skidded down the corner breathing hard.

I looked around left and right, up and down, forward and behind me. There was nothing. This was where the screams came from. I can't possibly be delusional. I'm the healthiest shucking glader there was!

I looked at the sun, sunset. I need to get back now. The maze doors close at exactly sunset and stops for no one.

I turned around and ran back to the glade my head overflowing with possible scenarios on what the shuck I just heard. I thought back to what happened. First came the moans of the griever, or so I though it was a griever, what else would it be?

I ran into the glade and saw that all of my runners were there. All except Leonardo. I look back at the maze. Was that Leonardo that was screaming? My vision began to blur as I focused all of my attention towards finding out what happened. My thoughts were cut off as my body slams into something, a person. I groaned as the person tripped and fell on me.

"What the Sh..." I begin but then see who I ran into. It was the new greenie. I fought back a chuckle. That's one silly lookin, man.' I thought to myself before I really looked at her, seeing her chest and hips pressed against me. Those were no mans hips. That was no mans chest. And that wasn't a mans face. In fact she looked far from a mans face.

She was the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on with her long brown hair that fell flawlessly over her eyes and tickled my arms as they swayed in the wind, vibrant piercing blue eyes that screamed mischief, an olive toned, golden complexion, and full pink lips.

I mean of course she was the most beautiful thing I've seen, because all I've ever seen is a forest full of boys. I don't even remember seeing any girls before now!

"And there he is. Minho, the keeper of the Runners in his full glory." I glared at Newt. "Shut up slinthead."

She stared at me with those striking blue eyes and then she looked away, in that moment I could've sworn I saw a hint of a blush on her cheeks. And I couldn't seem to let her go. She was so close I was almost tempted to brush the strands of hair out of her eyes.

"Ummm..." She said. I stood up awkwardly and brushed off my clothes trying to regain my composure and go back to being Mr Strong Sassy Minho

I couldn't fall for a girl. I'm Minho and Minho doesn't fall in love. I can't fall in love. So I did what I do best.

"Watch where your going shank." I said trying to act agitated and annoyed as I crossed my arms and jutted out my hip slightly.

Her soft smile turned from sweet to spit in a matter of seconds as she walked towards me slowly. "Excuse me? No, you watch where you're going." She said poking me in the chest with a sudden fire in her eyes

"You ran into me, so back off!" She yelled and stomped off with Newt following her rolling his eyes at me chuckling

I stared at her with a new curiosity. No one sasses me back. "Hey Shank what's your name?" I shout. She flips around and shouts back. "It's Tamara you douche!"

I stepped forward about to start another sassy comment, but stopped myself. She was gone anyway. I sighed running my fingers through my soft hair and ran into the forest to the map room thinking. 'Shucking girls'

I mapped out my part of the maze for the day and sat down by the lake. Why do girls have to be so complicated? I ask myself running my hand through my hair again, then resting my elbows on my legs and burying my face in the palms of my hands.

I looked back at the maze as the doors closed and I thought back to earlier. I couldn't help but wonder if the screaming I heard was Leo.

I saw most of the glanders heading over to the bonfire and I followed sitting down on a log with a cup of Gallys special remedy drink as the sun submitted to the moon and the clouds made way for the stars.

Alby ran towards the huge pile of sticks with a torch and slowly lowered the torch down to the sticks as the fire shot down the sticks erupting into a large warm, exciting bonfire.

I tapped my foot impatiently as if I was waiting for someone. Minutes passed and I realized that I was waiting for Tamara.

Well that chapter wasn't as long as I hoped, but anyway... So guys... Whatcha think? From now on if you guys want minhos perspective on things then you'll just have to comment that you want minhos perspective on one of the chapters and I might make a minhos perspective. Don't forget to vote, comment, and add to library! I ❤️ yah guys! - the fab author

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