Ki Hong Lee's snapchats give me liffeee! He's so frikin cute OMG.
- a few weeks latèr-
It's been five weeks since I arrived in the glade, I've gotten used to all my jobs and every single one of the gladers respect me and don't shuck with me. Well except for Minho. He won't quit shucking with my heart.
I've carved my name onto the wall full of a whole bunch of other names along with Belle, and speaking of belle, her lovely relationship with Newt has gotten stronger. They're in love with eachother. And they're making it so dang obvious but yet, they don't know it.
I'm snapped from my train of thought by none other than Belle! She walked up to me and sat down under the tree next to me.
"Hey Tamara." She greeted.
"What's up?" I reply.
"Like almost 5 weeks ago, I said I remembered you from somewhere somehow and we never really got to talk about it. Or really talk about anything much at all." She told me tying her hair up into a ponytail.
I gazed up at the sky and chuckled. "You know, your right! We never have that talk we said we'd have."
Belle nodded with a laugh. "So I don't know why I remember you, but honestly I'm glad I remember someone in this darn glade." She chuckled as she pulled out a picture and handed it to me.
"That picture was in my pocket when I first came here." She stated. I took the picture seeing two girls at this concert or festival of some kind, with one arm around each other and their other arm raised up towards the sky.
As I looked at the picture closer, I noticed that one of the girls was Belle. I looked closely at the other girl, her piercing blue eyes, dark brown hair... She actually looked a lot like me! My eyes widened in realization.
"I-is that other girl, by you, me?" I ask slowly
She nods. "I think we were best friends before the maze."
I raised my gaze back towards her. "Tell me more."
"I also remember you and me being in this huge building for like 3 years with some scientists or doctors of some sort." She paused and smiled. "Newt was there too, along with Minho, Gally, and some of the other gladers."
I smiled when she said Newt's name. "So what's with you and newt?"
She looked down and blushed. "Erm, not really anything,"
"Cmon Belle, you said his name, then you smiled. You smile every time your around him. "Fess up. Spill the beans." I said with a laugh.
She nods and takes a deep breath. "I think I love Newt." She whispers.
I nod. I already knew that I just wanted her to admit it to herself. "Why do you like him? What do you like about him?" I ask my grin widening.
((Pause in book for a moment. SO I WROTE THIS WHOLE CHAPTER THROUGH AND THROUGH. IT WAS FLIPPIN READY TO BE PUBLISHED! I CLICKED THE PUBLISH BUTTON! AND DIS LITTLE TURD SAID... YOU CAN ONLY HAVE 20 TAGS. So I deleted all my tags and then dis thing. STILL WOULDNT LET ME PUBLISH!!!! So I worried my little heart off until I just deleted this app and then redownloaded it. Then when I open it up... IT FLIPPIN DELETED HALF OF MY WRITING SO NOW I HAVE TO WRITE THIS OTHER HALF AGAIN!!! Okay carry on...))
Belle leaned in and took a deep breath. "His hair, I love his shucking fluffy as shuck hair. If he would let me I would wash and condition that hair every day. And his smile, it just sets my heart on fire when he smiles, and his laugh!" She took a deep breath before continuing.
"Oh my shuck. And don't even get me started on his hot British accent. But I also like that he's nice and caring towards anyone. Aside from his judgemental side which I also love. He's cute when he judges people."
I smiled as she ranted on and on. She was falling hard for Newt. And what was even better, Newt was crushing on her just as hard if not harder. I began thinking of a ship name... Nelle? Bewt? I chuckled a little at Bewt. I was snapped from my thoughts of Newt and Belle together when I heard Belle say something. (Legit someone's ship name was Brockilee. Brock and Emilee. Pronounced broccoli. And it was great.)
"What?" I ask genuinely confused. I wasn't listening. I was thinking of other... stuff.
"I said, what about you and Minho? You two seem real nice and close." She said her eyebrows wiggling dramatically. "He seems to like you, and you seem to like him."
I scoff. "If you mean Minho's teasing then that's where your wrong. Minho is a natural sass queen and teases literally everyone. Just because he teases me doesn't mean he likes me." I chuckle.
"I bet he doesn't take everyone up to the watch tower to 'talk'" she says her brows arched in amusement. "I also don't think he lays in bed with everyone. Does he?" She asks sarcastically.
My cheeks flush a deep red. "It was because I was having nightmares. He was nice and comforted me like anyone else would." I retort. I was convinced, no, I was absolutely positive that we were just friends.
Minho didn't love me back, did he? I began to question myself, but shook my head. It's best not to have high hopes when I know the truth. He doesn't like me like that.
"But what do you think of him?" Belle asks
"I don't think anything of him." I lie. And she could tell. She raised her eyebrow not believing me.
"Honey. Don't even try to hide it. I know." She says patting my back. "So just get it out, tell me."
I sigh. "Fine. What I love about Minho? I love his sass, sarcasm, his laugh, the way his eyes seem to disappear when he grins, his chiseled face and amazing jawline, I love his body, his muscles, the way he hides his kindness with a barrier of sass, how he actually cares, his dedication, and I love how childish he is. I love how I can just let loose with him, be myself you know? It's like he doesn't really care how weird I get, even though he teases me a lot, but you know, I don't take teasing to the heart..." I say ranting on and on.
I was interrupted by a loud screeching sound, like nails on a chalkboard, like chains, pulling something up. A loud blaring echoed after it filling the whole glade with the lovely mix of screeching and blaring. It was music to my ears. And I can't see how anyone would think it's annoying!
I look over at Belle seeing that she looked just as confused as I was. I stood up and followed the crowd of gladers seeming to run towards the box...
"Is that..." I begin.
"The Greenie Alarm." I hear a deep masculine voice say from behind me.
I turn around to see the Mr Asian Persuasion, Minho, standing behind me with his arms crossed, and of course his signature smirk.
There it is shank babes. It took a little while longer because of some... COUGH COUGH, difficulties, but it's updated now.
So I know that there hasn't really been that much romance so I added some professions of love in here to lightly quench you shanks thirst. But don't worry, there will be a nice tall glass of water to fully quench your thirst later on. I promise😉
Anywhoo... ILY SASSY SHANKS! Slay like Minhara slays our feels!

The Warrior (A TMR Minho Fanfic)
FanfictionYou have been told that Teresa was the first girl in the glade, but whoever told you that, clearly didn't know the whole story. ~ "It's a girl." Said the boy with sandy blonde hair and an accent I couldn't quite place. "No, It's a bouncing baby boy...