(Chapter 21) Aiding the Prepubescent in the arts of Pranking

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"Shhh." I whisper with a mischevious grin as I ushered Chuck and Minho forward. The halls of the homestead were dimly lit, the light coming from the sunset. We had watched Gally for hours upon hours, just waiting for the right time to prank him. He had gotten up to use the restroom and I thought, what better time to prank the acne faced boy?

We crept closer and closer to the bathroom and I pressed my ear up to the door. A soft humming came from inside and a smirk grew across my cheeks. Gally was humming. Gally didn't seem the type to hum. Nevertheless hum a happy joyous song. It actually sounded like he was humming a theme song from a kids movie.

I turned back towards the boys and grin. "Okay, we don't have much time, we need to do this quick and and then leave quicker." I whisper to the pair.

They nod and then chuck starts off by tapping the window, then quickly running past the corner and pressing against the wall. "What was that?" I heard Gally whisper from inside.

I smirk and then sneak up to the door raking my finger nails down the door for a split second before running back to behind the wall. Gally opened the door and turned his head left and right scanning the hallway. "The shuck? Maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me." He told himself as he went back to finish his business.

I ran back and slammed my fist on the door three times and Chuck followed behind me with a loud scream. And just let me say, DANG that boy could scream like a Banshee. Chuck and I ran back around the corner and unfortunately Minho was turning around the corner to check up on what was happening.

I turned the corner and crashed straight into Minho, both of us crashing to the floor. I groaned and lifted my head off of Minho's chest. I was about to tell him off, but when his chocolate brown eyes gazed into my own, I melted.

I got the whole entire shucking package, the fluttering in my stomach, my chest heating up, and my cheeks flushing a deep red. Our faces were inches apart and our noses were barely touching. Suddenly I became very aware of Minho's hands on my waist. Minho leaned closer and my breath caught in my throat as our noses touched.

The anticipation was killing me, and I was nearly about to end my torment and make the final move, when I heard a small gagging sound and heard a small whisper.

"Geez guys, Christ is watching." Chuck whispered in disgust right before I heard the bathroom door open, a string of curses following.

I immediately pulled myself off of Minho and grabbed both of their hands as we blasted the shuck out of there. I was not going to get caught nearly kissing Minho. Especially by Gally.


It. Almost. Happened. We almost shucking kissed. Grievers how I wish it didn't have to happen in that moment, in that exact specific scenario. Why couldn't Gally just decided to klunk just a little longer and did  Chuck really have to bring up that Christ is watching? Was it really necessary?

I smile as I think back, remembering her body pressed up against mine, her dark hair framing her beautiful face, her gorgeous blue eyes staring into mine. Our breath mingling, and her face leaning closer and closer, her luscious full pink lips just inches away. Oh how I wished to kiss those lips. But I couldn't. I'm not even sure she likes me back!

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