The moment my eyes opened after a 5 hour sleep, I could already tell that there was something up. I could feel this strange texture between my legs and in my underwear. I groaned and buried my face in my pillow realizing that it was indeed "shark week."
I looked over at Minho, with his strong arms wrapped around me and sighed. How would he react to this? This was his bed I was sleeping in after all. Now that I think about it, since everyone here is a boy except for Belle and I, no one probably even knows what the heck a period is! But wait, what would I use? Did the box even bring any lady products up? Maybe maybe Belle would know.
I rolled out of Minho's arms and off the bed, slipping on some shoes and sneaking outside. I walked across to Newts room and and knocked on the door.
Newt opened the door dressed in a robe. "What are doing this early in the day?" He asked clearly tired and slightly annoyed.
"I need to talk to Belle, she's in here right?"
"Yeah." He nodded then shut the door. For a long moment I thought he just left me, but then Belle opened the door her hair frizzy, and sticking up in all places.
"What's up Tam?" She asks yawning.
"I started my period today," I told her quietly. "Do you uhh, happen to have any tampons, pads, anything I can use?"
"Oh!" She nodded. "As it happens, I have some pads. Just give me a moment and I'll give some to you." She smiled running back in.
While I was waiting, I looked around at the walls, and just now, I really noticed how well these people built this place. They built it pretty shucking good for a bunch of teenagers.
"Here you go." Belle said opening the door, handing me 10 pads. "Wait, do you have a heavy or light flow?"
She nodded and went back in, soon coming back out with 5 more, "and if you need any more, just drop by and I'll lend you some more. In fact, next time you drop by, I'll have a whole box filled with some for you to keep for the next few months."
"Hopefully we get out before that, but thank you Belle, I really appreciate it." I smile hugging her with my free arm. "Also," I whispered in her ear, "I think Newt is crushing on you, so go and take risks." I chuckle winking at her before heading back to Minho's room.
I opened the door only to find him gone. "Minho?" I called out just to make sure he wasn't in the bathroom or anything. There was no response.
The doors burst open and I jumped, spinning around to find myself face to face with Minho. He turned me around looking me up and down, inspecting me. "Where are you hurt?" He asked worriedly.
"What?" I ask confused, "I mean-" My eyes drifted over to the bed and I saw the red blood stain on the sheets. "Oh." I mouthed.
"I'm not hurt anywhere Minho, I'm fine." I laughed. I paused reconsidering for a moment. "Well I mean, I am hurting but no one hurt me. I'm just..."
"You're just what Tamara?"
"I'm on my period Minho."

The Warrior (A TMR Minho Fanfic)
FanfictionYou have been told that Teresa was the first girl in the glade, but whoever told you that, clearly didn't know the whole story. ~ "It's a girl." Said the boy with sandy blonde hair and an accent I couldn't quite place. "No, It's a bouncing baby boy...