"Well Klunk." I whispered to myself after I thoughtlessly ran into the maze. Well it wasn't thoughtless, I had really good intentions, finding Minho, saving Minho. And I just now realized how dumb that idea was. I'm no hero! It's not like I can hair say 'super strength activate!' And I'll suddenly be superwoman.
I let out a sigh and start walking deeper into the maze corridors, the thought of possibly finding Minho driving me.
The wind blew past me, sending goosebumps up my bare arms. I shivered and looked up at the sky, a different kind of shiver passing through me when I realized that the sun no liger visible in the sky. It was almost completely dark.
I kept walking down the corridors turning wherever my instincts were telling me to go, when I heard a clicking in the distance. My head snapped back and my eyes dilated, slowly adjusting to the darkness.
I couldn't see anything yet, but I didn't need to. I already knew what it was. I mean, what else would it be, a unicorn? Even though the griever could be heading away from me, or could be no where actually near me, there as no way I was just going to risk it.
I may not remember much, but I remember than in the horror movies, everyone just brushes it off and guess what? Boom, they get chopped relentlessly into little pieces. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not planning on dying any time soon! I am not dying any time soon. I'm too young to die! I have so much life ahead of me! A future where I remember where I came from, and who my family is. A future where I get out of this shucking maze.
I took the cliche deep breath of determination, and then grabbed a vine, slowly pulling myself up, placing my feet on any crevice I could find, to help push me up.
I heaved myself up one last time and then twisted myself around so that I was sitting on top of the maze wall. I let out a breath of relief and only then did I notice the pain. My hands burned from the cuts I got from the vines, and my arms ached from pulling my body weight all the way up the wall.
I chuckled lightly realizing that the old me, the pre-maze me, definitely wouldn't have been able to climb up that wall. I didn't know how I knew, but I just did. The old me was weak, had no upper body strength. Or really any strength at all. And it's also funny because it's the maze that made me as strong as I am. I guess in a way, I'm thankful.
The clicking grew closer, soon being accompanied by a whirring. My breath caught in my chest and I slowly pulled my legs up onto the wall so that they wouldn't be dangling anymore. I craned my neck to the side, trying to get a good idea on where the griever is now, and where it's heading.
I managed to crane my neck far enough to finally see the griever. My eyes widened at the immense size of it. It was 10 times larger than I expected it to be, and it looked completely different than I imagined.
I thought a griever was like this semi big spider, with a stinger on its butt or something, but no. It's a slimy, slug-like, spider-like, urchin-like beast with spikes protruding from almost everywhere.
I leaned go the side just a tiny bit more to get a better look, then a second later, I realized that was the worst decision I could ever make, but it was top late. I fell down the big tall maze wall, rushing towards the ground.
I squeezed my eyes shut preparing for the immense pain that would follow, and the possible death, but that never came.
Just kidding.
I slammed against the ground and both felt and heard a large crack from the impact. About .3 seconds later a rush of pain flooded my body, forbidding me to feel anything else but the pain of my broken arm.
The griever screeched from afar, it's metal legs scuttling across the floor coming closer and closer towards me. "Well I sure have the luck o' the Irish." I groaned sarcastically through clenched teeth.
And from that moment on, I knew that I was going to die.
I rolled myself completely onto my back and lifted myself up, trying not to move my broken arm. I slumped slightly when my impending doom turned the corner and snapped it's head towards me. If that was even its head.
A rush of confidence, flowed through my body as the griever, (let us call it Charlie) clicked closer to me, ever so slowly. If I'm going to die today, it's going to be with my chin held high.
My brows furrowed at Charlie. I didn't know why he wasn't just leaping in and stabbing me with its many needles. Maybe he wanted to be cliche, make me think that something out there would come in at the last minute and save me.
Well, there is like a 5% chance that Minho will pop out of the corner and save me, but hey, 5% out of 100, is not likely.
I knew better than to think such absurd thoughts. We all know that only happens in the books and movies. So I rolled my shoulders back, tried my best to ignore the pain, and stuck my chin up in the air. "Hello Beasty." I greeted, as I said goodbye to the world, and to my idiotic douche Minho, whose lips I would never be able to touch.
That sarcastic little klunk, who will never know how much I loved him, or that I loved him at all. Charlie screeched, nasty spit flying into my face, and I laughed.
Minho would've been absolutely furious if he was in my shoes. The griever mucus would've gotten in his 'oh so beautiful' hair, and Charlie the griever, would not live till its next blink. If grievers even blink.
I looked up at the sky one last time, and whispered. "Goodbye Minho,"
I'm just gonna leave you guys there...
I am extremely sorry for not updating in almost a month, but school started two weeks ago and I've been mourning the death of summer. R.i.p Summer. You shall be remembered.
In brighter news, MY BIRTHDAY IS ON MONDAY! Well partial good news at least, yay @ me turning 14, boo at Monday. Anywhoo, if I don't have homework, then you can expect an update from me.
I love you sassy shanks! Slay in life like Minhara slays them feels!💓

The Warrior (A TMR Minho Fanfic)
FanfictionYou have been told that Teresa was the first girl in the glade, but whoever told you that, clearly didn't know the whole story. ~ "It's a girl." Said the boy with sandy blonde hair and an accent I couldn't quite place. "No, It's a bouncing baby boy...