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Flying in the night
A wondrous sight.
A Peter was I
In the Starry sky.
Above the clouds
Out of bounds.
Sat I on the breeze
A treat to seize.
The tree on the moon
A charm to swoon.
Its flowers white
Sparkling bright.
Twinkling stars
They were so far.
The Earth so small
Not afraid to fall.
The misty mist
The mighty beast.
Which makes you feel
The stillness still.
The poetic gay
The silent play.
The melodious song
Not easy to throng.
The star-moon dance
The drowsy trance.
The waterfall
I still recall.
On the cloud
At last I found.
With waters fresh
A midnight dress.
So soft the bed
On which I slept.
A kiss on my face
As a pencil of moon rays.
I slept there sound
In the dreamland I found.

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