The Cuckoo's Tears

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In a distant city

Away from the woods

Caged a cuckoo with a cloudy mood.

Her owner

A frosty nosed millionaire

Gave her a gold cage.

Her melodious tone had faded away,

Wings had refused to unfold.

Shivering all through, refusing any food,

She only cried and cried in the cold.

Her tears

Leaked out from her eyes, touched the soft tufts of grass,

The Earth noticed her longing for the woods

Peeping deep from the niche of her heart.

He just touched

Her heart with the magic wand.

The soul came out

Danced merrily, sang in utmost liberty without any fear.

Early next morning

When the Lady of lots

Came to the cage

It dawned on her

She had caged herself

Not the cuckoo

In her self-made maze.

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