Or sing with the birds. Oh, you blue sky,
Why are you so blue?
Have you had a cross with water
Or has she bet you?
By wrapping around your white blanket,
Do you think I can't see your face
Or can't I sense your beauty?
Sitting by my window-side,
I see you rowing with wind.
Why so?
Can't you rest quietly for a while like me?
Oh, you wonderful beauty,
Why do you glow bright red-
When the Sun bides you a good evening?
Will the Sun not go to his cradle and dream
Just because you do not sleep?
Did you mind me?
As I claim it right.
You do not sleep
When alongside the Sun,
Trees, rivers, streams
Fall asleep,
You only stay wide awake.
Oh, you watchman of the universe,
Why does your blue beauty
Hide behind your dark veil,
When the moon returns from its dreams?
Where it might be a queen or a brave huntress.
Where it might be an empress or a goddess.
After hearing these strokes
Are you jealous?
Or maybe
The moon is one of your amulets.
Oh, you mistress of mysteries,
Where do you keep your secrets?
Do show me some, explain me some,
Teach me some.
And Life Flows Along
Puisi'And Life Flows Along' is a book of poems that speaks of life's endless journey towards eternity carrying its different elements- love, sorrow, birth, death, loneliness and other shades. Dear Reader, I am 14 and have self-published this book of mine...