The Madness of the Cold Breeze

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I can sense you, I can feel you

Don't flee from me, don't leave me alone

What relief you give me when I am sad

What anxious you make me when you are mad

Your calm but cold touch is all I need

To tremble, not from cold, not from fear

But from the toothache in my heart you give me

Let me feel your pitying existence

The night laughs at you, the sea mocks at you

I know the tree is full of silent giggles,

When you pass by her

They all say you are cruel, monstrous

The Earth mocks at you

They say you flee from them in shame

You just blow on with pity

They don't see your heart, broad as infinity

You have seduced me with your beauty

Don't leave me

Just give me a chance to feel your fragrance

Just give me an opportunity

To dance to your madness

And to be ecstatic

I can feel

The magic beautician in you

You make the night a singer

You make the sea

An endless emerald

You make the tree

Lose merrily her virginity

To mother hundreds of scarlet May Flowers

O my dear oldy goldy breeze.

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