Chapter 10

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Luckypaw didn't know how to feel once he heard about the RiverClan vs ThunderClan fight. He worried about Redpaw's sanity and Cinderpaw's...well...understanding.

He had heard about it a few sunrises before. It was only four more sunrises when he would sneak out of the camp at Half Moon. Doesn't Cinderpaw have any sense? We're supposed to be going on a journey together!

Luckypaw was on border patrol with Flypelt and Whitecloud— another SkyClan warrior— while he was thinking about the reckless thing Cinderpaw had done.

Cinderpaw had killed the ThunderClan leader! How idiotic of her! How... How...

How did he know that?

Luckypaw had only just realized. How did he know Cinderpaw had killed Redpaw's leader? The patrol that told them that didn't know that.

Luckypaw also realized. He was feeling Redpaw's fury and Cinderpaw's...proudness? He got a warrior's name creep into his mind as if he'd been saying it forever.

Cindertail! Cindertail! Cindertail!

Cindertail? Who's Cindertail? Unless Cinderpaw got her Warrior name early for killing the ThunderClan leader?

So many emotions ran through his mind as they got back to camp and reported everything they learned to Cottonstar. Cottonstar told them to give his condolences to ThunderClan next time they see them on a border patrol.

Luckypaw staggered into the fresh-kill pile, filled with fresh rabbits and squirrels. Luckypaw grabbed a rabbit from the fresh-kill pile and bounded off to the apprentices' den.

He gobbled down the last of it and when he went to sleep, something weird happened in his dream.

He was seeing through Cinderpaw's eyes! He decided to take advantage of it and see what was up with this Cindertail thing.

"This Apprentice has worked hard to understand the ways of your noble code, so I condemn them to you as a warrior in her turn. Cinderpaw, do you promise to stay loyal to your clan, even at the cost of your life?" asked Lakestar.

"I do," answered Cinderpaw.

"Then for now on you'll be known as Cindertail, in honor of your face-paced apprentice training."

Cindertail fluffed up her fur proudly. Luckypaw couldn't believe what he saw. She must've been the Apprentice fastest to become a warrior.

In that moment, Luckypaw wondered if Cindertail knew that he was watching from her eyes.

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