Chapter 17

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This is like teaching blind and deaf kits how to hunt!

Cindertail's tail twitched in irritation as she tried to teach the others how to fish. If she has to hunt in the undergrowth, they have to learn how to hunt in water.

"No, no!" meowed Cindertail. "Nightpaw, imagine you're hunting a vole in water."

"You're messing up my brain!" hissed Nightpaw. "Why do we have to do this? My paws are soaking wet!"

"It's no different from walking in ShadowClan territory, I hear," Redpaw murmured. Cindertail felt bad for making him learn to hunt, but all the medicine cat apprentices needed to know how to.

"Ima sacrifice you to the fish, eh? How about that?" asked Nightpaw, earning a hiss from Redpaw, who was just to the left of Rainpaw.

Cindertail groaned. "If you guys make me hunt in undergrowth, I'm going to make you guys hunt in water."

"Next time me and Sunpaw are gonna make you all hunt in open spaces," hissed Shinepaw. "Cause if we have to hunt in CAGES, you have to hunt in ACTUALLY EASY land!"

"Actually easy!?" replied Luckypaw. "It's more better hunting in ROCK land, thank you very much. All this grass has me disgusted!"

All the other cats yowled in protest.

"Swamps are MUCH easier to hunt in!"

"Says you, Nightpaw! Cats can't even get five tail-lengths in there without getting their paws SOAKING WET."

"You shut your mouth, Sunpaw!"

"We all know forests are better to hunt in!"

"You don't even hunt!"

"The moor is better!"


Cindertail rolled her eyes. "Guys! Can we focus on the task?" She twitched her tail. "Look, while you were all arguing, Hawkpaw had caught a salmon."

All apprentices turned their head towards the SkyClan medicine cat apprentice, who was staring at them, dead in the eyes, while carrying a dead fish.

"You're warrior apprentices, and he's a medicine cat apprentice who doesn't even hunt or fight for a living," Cindertail spat, feeling pretty proud of herself for scolding the ones who ruined her life. "How embarrassing. I wish your mentors were here."

Cindertail knew she crossed the line when Luckypaw pounced on her, prompting her to screech and flail her legs helplessly.

"Luckypaw! That's completely unnecessary!" cried Redpaw.

Luckypaw unsheathed his claws at Cindertail, raking her fur. "I'd kill you for a couple of mouse tails!" He hissed, hanging on like a rat.

Suddenly, someone barreled into him. It was Rainpaw. "I'll shred your fur for a couple of mouse tails if you attack my sister again!" He hissed.

Luckypaw bared his teeth into a snarl but didn't say anything. Hawkpaw bounded over to him, and whispered something into his ear that Cindertail didn't catch.

"Let's just get back to the cave we saw, DreamClan," Redpaw mewed, shooting a glare at Cindertail.

What'd I do? Cindertail challenged him to give one good reason why she deserved to be punished. If anything, she should NOT be doing this at all; after all, they're her enemies, and if they want to catch fish in RiverClan territory, they'll know how to.

But nonetheless...

As the others went to sleep in their nests, Redpaw gestured for Cindertail to talk to him at the front of the cave.

"Y'know, the only reason Luckypaw attacked you with claws unsheathed is cause you're too smug about being a warrior," meowed Redpaw.

"I'm sorry he's complaining about my greatness," Cindertail stated, rolling her eyes.

"You don't realize that we can't change the way we're used to. I'm used to hunting in forests, not that I actually hunt anyways, Nightpaw's used to hunting in swamps, Shinepaw's used to hunting in open spaces, you're used to hunting in water, and Luckypaw is used to hunting in rocky terrain." Redpaw mewed.

"If I have to hunt in undergrowth, YOU get to hunt in water," spat Cindertail. "Not my fault life's unfair."

"YOU'RE unfair," hissed Redpaw, unsheathing his claws and lashing his tail up and down since they were sitting. "How would you like it if I went to Lakestar and told her you were acting this way, Cinderpaw!?"

"You can't do that! She wouldn't listen to you!" Cindertail yowled in protest.

"Which one of us have more authority? Which one of us has more connection with StarClan?" hissed Redpaw. "Be careful with that conceitedness, Cindertail. When you die, you will not have a place amongst the stars if you don't."

Redpaw trotted off to his nest, glared at Cindertail one last time, and drifted to sleep.

Cindertail scoffed. He's only jealous because he regrets becoming a medicine cat apprentice instead of a warrior!

Cindertail rolled her eyes and went to sleep beside Nightpaw.

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