Jiseul's gaze drifted out over the unfamiliar landscape, those shadows casted by the strange trees in the moonlight. She inhaled deeply, tasting a hint of pine and wildflowers on the breeze—so different from the soft jasmine that used to fill her room. She felt the ache of distance, but also a strange sense of anticipation, like the first step on an unknown path.
Daewoon cleared his throat, he shuffled slightly as he took a hesitant step inside. "It must be... different, being here," he said, glancing at her and then away. "But I'll do my best to make sure you feel at home, Princess"
Jiseul's lips curved into a soft smile, though her eyes betrayed a flicker of sadness. "Thank you, Daewoon," she murmured. "I'm sure I'll get used to it... in time."
Harin had wanted to come with her, finding it difficult to leave Jiseul's side. In her own era, it was customary for a princess's closest maid to accompany her as a family "gift" when she married. But things were different here, and Jiseul gently reminded Harin that she needed to stay behind, to resume her duties in the castle. Only then did Harin understand Taehyung's words—he must have known that she could never join Jiseul. But above all, if Taehyung had been so opposed to Jiseul's marriage, why would he say, "There will be only me and you here, after Jiseul gets married?" Was he against it only because Jiseul had been? Or was there more he hadn't shared?
Time didn't stop. Over a week had passed since Jiseul's departure. She was no longer in the Kim Kingdom. The castle felt heavy with absence, as if everything within its walls was withering under the weight of her absence.
Harin's Perspective:I sighed, looking up at the sky again, feeling the emptiness settle around me. The castle felt hollow, and I was once again alone. Only Luna stayed with me, but even she left each evening, leaving me to face the silence. She was so kind, so pure... she didn't deserve to be bound by a marriage she hadn't chosen. And Jong Gyu? I know he has a good heart too, but he's still a prince. With Minhee's watchful gaze, I know I can't risk getting close to any of them.
Rising from the bench, I felt a familiar weariness settle in as I prepared to return to my room.
Can't it all just go back to the way it was? I feel so useless... so aimless. What am I even doing here? What's the purpose of all this?
I missed Jiseul—the garden where we'd met, her gentle voice as she'd warned and advised me. My mind wandered back to that conversation in the garden, Jiseul's gentle warning was echoing in my ears. "Be careful. In this palace, it's easy to become a pawn in someone else's game." she'd said, her voice was barely a whisper. Did she became a pawn herself? "The palace can be... tricky, even for those of us born into it." I sighed trying to turn off the switch of thoughts, but it was in vain, "but the person who might cause you the real harm is Lady Minhee, she can even manipulate my father, not easily still she manages to take advantage of specific times" It was advice given with love, but also with the wisdom of someone who knew how the palace could twist innocence into something dangerous.
I closed my eyes, letting out a soft breath as I hugged my shawl tighter around my shoulders. With Jiseul gone, the once-familiar castle halls seemed vast and cold. Even Jong gyu, who once had been a surprising source of comfort, felt like a distant figure now, entangled in his own duties and thoughts. It was as if a piece of my own life had been taken away with Jiseul, leaving me adrift in a place I barely recognized.
Why had Taehyung spoken so strangely before? I wondered, replaying his words in my mind. There will only be me and you here, after Jiseul gets married. His words hadn't made sense then, but now they gnawed at me, filling my being with a vague unease. Had he seen all of this coming? Did he understand something about this marriage I couldn't grasp?

Fated Mate (A Taehyung's FanFiction) || Wattpad ✓
Fanfiction"A mystical room, hidden from time, holds a secrets-keeping book. Penned by a prince who trusted magic for his mate, its pages whisper tales of his eternal love, his heart beating solely for his destined partner. 'So now you're reading this, my dear...