Chapter 24 Now The Heir

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{This is the chapter where the plot takes its decisive turn, setting the stage for what lies ahead}

The morning light was seeping softly through the high windows, illuminating the prince's chamber with a quiet stillness. A steady knock sounded at the door, echoing in the silence, but no answer came. The visitor waited, and then knocked again—three, or four times—and when nothing stirred within, he finally eased the door open.

It was Inho, who came to greet Prince Jong Gyu and let him know that breakfast would soon be ready. But as he stepped into the room, something felt wrong. The tray from last night was still on the table, food was untouched, with small bits that were scattered across the floor. Inho frowned; the prince had said he'd summon the guards to collect the tray. Yet here it is, barely touched.

He took a cautious step further inside, his eyes were scanning the room. Then, he froze.

There, on the chair, was a dark pool of blood, spilling onto the rice scattered across the floor. A chill ran down his spine. His gaze followed a faint, grim trail across the polished stone, leading toward the far wall. His heart thundered as he traced the bloodstains, his breaths were growing shallow.

In the corner, slumped against the wall, was Jong Gyu.

A strangled gasp escaped Inho's lips, and he stumbled forward, his eyes were wide with horror. "P–Prince?" he choked out, but the lifeless body before him remained still, his hands and clothes were soaked in blood. He staggered back, his voice was caught in his throat, he spun around and dashed out of the room, his panicked shouts were echoing against the walls.

He burst out from the chamber, his face was pale, and eyes were wide with panic. His voice was wavering, but he screamed out with all the strength he had, "Guards... guards! Someone—please! C-call someone... anyone!"

The two guards at their posts glanced at each other, instantly sensing the urgency in his voice. Their expressions shifted from confusion to alarm, one of them snapped to attention and ran down the corridor to alert the others. The air grew tense as Inho's voice echoed down the hall, pulling everyone's attention towards the prince's chamber.

Within moments, Taehyung arrived at the chambers door, his face was stern yet marked with a glint of tension. He paused, taking a deep, steady breath, the muffled cries of Inho were audible from within, spilling into the hallway. With a firm push, Taehyung stepped inside.

The room was dark, the morning light was barely piercing through the closed curtains, casting shadows over the scene that awaited him. Inho was crouched on the floor, trembling, his face was streaked with panic and despair. His hands shook as he pointed toward the far end of the room, his voice was cracked and almost unintelligible, "P-Prince... he... h-he's..."

Taehyung's eyes trailed to where Inho was pointing and then he forgot to breath.

There, in the dim corner, lied his dearest brother... Jong Gyu, his body was slumped against the wall, a chilling stillness was hanging over him. Blood had pooled beneath him, its dark red string was seeping into the polished floor, staining the fragments of fallen rice nearby. Blood was smeared across the wall painted a morbid tale, tracing his brother's last struggle in silence.

Taehyung's gaze narrowed, he clenched his jaw, but he fought to keep his composure. He approached his brother's still form, his steps were heavy, each one was feeling as if it resonated through his entire being. He kneeled beside Jong Gyu, his hands were hovering before reaching forward, his fingers were trembling as he pressed them to his brother's neck, hoping for a pulse—any sign of life.

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