I rush back home as my mouth begins to rise with blood. My mind goes from 1 thought to 1000. This surely has to be connected to the bike issue from this morning. I rush into my house dropping the bike on the driveway, running straight to my step mother to give her the bank card.
"What the fuck!?, who the fuck did that to you!" she shouts. "I don't know, i don't know who they were." i mutter trying to keep the blood from running down my throat. I run to the bathroom and spit into the sink. Looking up to the mirror, my whole lower face is covered in blood.For a moment i feel a tear run down my face. I don't think i was upset by the pain, but why is it always me. Why do these things always happen. My life can't keep going in this cycle. I grab some ice from the freezer and wrap a kitchen towel around it, putting it to my nose. My cousin rushes out the bedroom. "What the actual fuck happened!" he shouts in confusion. I try my best to tell him, and immediately he asks where they went. I told him the last place i saw them and that they ran towards the football stadium car park. He gets on his bike to scout around the area.
I sit down on the sofa, overwhelmed. With the ice against my nose. I immediately message Millie. She was quite shocked to be honest. I'm glad she didn't meet me today. If that had happened whilst she was here i wouldn't have forgave myself.
I'm glad it was me other than anyone else.
I took it. It wasn't that bad. It didn't really hurt it was just so sudden, all of it was shock really. By the end i was okay though. That's when everything took a turn for the worst. The people who i thought did this came to my house. In a rather large group.I rushed down the stairs to see my cousin had answered the door. "Where's Ayce then?" i heard, and i stop on the 4th or 5th step. So they are looking for me, they are after me. I hear so many voices. My heart stops. Just as he replies. "He's not in." they already see my face peering behind the stairs. *Fuck*
Now what. They've seen me. I can't go out there to fight because i know how this goes, if i start winning then all of them will join in. There is no way this is going to be a fair fight. I couldn't hide either. I was stuck. I stood my ground though. I went to the door and told them all i'm not fighting. As i went to shut the door. They pushed it back open. Amy instinct was i was going to be grabbed. So i took 2 steps back and my cousin definitely understood the assignment as he stood in-front once i came back wards. I went into the living room where my dad lies asleep. I try wake him up but he's in a deep sleep. My cousin was trying to get them to leave. He's a lot stronger than i am so he went to shut the door and surprisingly they didn't push it back open. They all sort of stood there outside of what i could see from the glass pane window.
As soon as i peer my head around to see what was going on a massive thud goes to my ears. They boot the door and it pings open and you can hear the snap of the lock. As they do this instead of coming in to get me they ran. Like it was some practical joke. Nobody was laughing. The massive bang of the door woke my dad up in an instant. "What the fuck was that?" he shouts getting up from the sofa. I explain to him what happened. He's in my corner. He stands in front of me on the stairs waiting for them to come back. As he sees the shadow of their figures out the door. He flings the door open. "So who the fuck just booted the door in!?" He shouts as all of them murmur amongst theirselves.
One of them got brave, and came face to face with my dad. Insulting him. My dad thought this was absolutely hilarious. Taking insults from a child. Ha. One of the boys grab my little brothers scooter and launch it at my dad. Must've tickled him he started laughing at them all. Most of them started throwing stones. If my dad can't make them leave. What is one thing that will get wannabe road men to leave an address? ah yes. Police.
My brother phoned them. And before we knew it 2 police cars would siren down to the address. The group of boys ran down the street. We explained to the police what went on. I didn't press charges. Fucking wish i had now. That was that by the end. My dad went on facebook to see that he knew the boys mother. He messaged her and she replied within minutes. To say that she'd make sure the group of boys will never show their face at our door again.
Well thank fuck for that.

RomanceA story of a boy. A boy who cannot regulate his emotions, never had been able to. Something that stuck with him. He meets a girl. Little did i know. She was almost the end of him. Although he loves her still even so. Let's hope he can fight against...