Chapter Fourteen: DigiTour

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Ethan's POV:
I woke up to Grayson jumping on my bed. I threw my pillow on him and was so pissed off that he woke me up.
Me: "wtf do you want dude."
Me: "WHAT?!?! AHH"
I got up and did my morning routine and we talked to the people over at DigiTour. They said we can bring two friends, and all the tickets and hotel room and stuff are payed for. We talked about who we wanted to bring and we decided on bringing Nikki and Cameron. We invited Nikki over and all four of us were talking about it and we asked Nikki's parents if she can come and they said that the flight is the day after tomorrow at 7 a.m. Great. We then went to get some YogurtLand and talked about stuff.
Nikki's POV:
Tomorrow I will be leaving with Cameron, Ethan, and Grayson to DigiTour. Ethan and Grayson got to invite two people so they invited Cameron and me. I was so happy I can't wait! The tickets and hotel room are payed for. We have to go to the airport by 6 a.m.  since the flight is at 7. Today I went shopping with Cameron and we bought lots of clothes and ate at The Cheescake Factory. We got home by 4 p.m. I went home and showed my mom everything I bought. I watched Netflix till 6 p.m. and then I got out my luggage and started to pack. I packed a lot of stuff and just left it in my room. In my carry-on I had my phone, headphones, purse, chargers, laptop, and money. I texted Ethan a little and then I slept at 12 a.m.
Nikki's POV:
I woke up to my alarm on my phone. It was 5 a.m. I got up, brushed my teeth, took a shower, blow dried my hair, washed my face, did my hair, and changed into leggings, converse, a top, and a cardigan. It was now 5:50 a.m. I packed some extra stuff in my luggage that I used. Then Ethan came and took my stuff to the car and my parents said bye and we left. We got to the airport and it was 6:38 a.m. Cameron and I went and got Starbucks for all of us and we also went to other places in the airport stores and bought some snacks. We came back and it was now 6:49 a.m. We just sat and we were all tired since we woke up early. I went through Twitter and we our flight was called. I ended up sitting next to Grayson, and Ethan and Cameron were behind us. I was near the window seat. I was scared because we could crash and die ahh. We all got settled in our seats. I had my carry-on with me. Well it wasn't a carry on because I said it was my purse and I kept it with me. Grayson was scared so we were holding hands tightly. I went on my phone for a little and then in front of me there was this mini tv with games, music, movies, a gps thing which showed where we are, and some other stuff in it. Grayson and I decided to watch a movie together. I ended up falling asleep on Grayson's shoulder. I woke up and Grayson was on his phone listening to music. He just smirked at me and I went on my phone to see like hundreds of selfies of him. About thirty of them were selfies with me, even though I was asleep in his shoulder. It was cute and I posted it on my Twitter. I said @graysondolan 😁✈️💕 Grayson liked and retweeted it. He then posted a picture of him and another of us two and in it he said: with this sleepy girl😁✈️💕  @nikkilove24 I liked it and retweeted it. I then put in my headphones and listened to music. We then heard: WE WILL BE LANDING SOON over the loud speakers.
We got out and after getting our luggages we went to our hotel. It was amazing! We had a suite with two bedrooms. It was amazing and beautiful oh my god!!! After touring around and decided which room is whose, we ordered room service and after that we went to sleep. After when we woke up we just chilled and hung out.

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