Chapter Twenty Seven: Back Together

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Nikki's POV:
I went another day through school and it was now the weekend. I got a text from Grayson.
Grayson: hey can you come over?
Me: ya sure I'll be over in like 5
Grayson: Kk. Oh and um in in Ethan's room so come in there.
Me: okay..

Grayson's POV:
I was so annoyed because Ethan wouldn't stop crying and talking about Nikki and same with Nikki about Ethan so I texted Nikki and told her to come over so they can make up and can leave me alone in peace and quiet.

Nikki's POV:
I went in and walked up to Ethan's room. I opened the door and I walked in and Grayson shut the door and locked it. Ethan was sitting on the side of the bed with his hands on his face and him looking out the window. When I walked in Ethan turned around and his eyes widened but then he just went back to being sad. I think he has been crying.

Ethan's POV:
When I saw Nikki come in my eyes got widened but then I realized that we were still over and then I just went back to being sad. Why the fuck did Grayson stay in my room and tell her to come here? Ugh.

Grayson's POV:
YES I AM GOING TO GET THEM BACK TOGETHER SO THEY WILL FINALLY STOP CRYING AND STUFF. Well now it's time for me aka mr. love fixer to fix these two up.
Nikki: "Grayson why did you call me here?"
Me: "well before any of you say anything, I called you here so you and Ethan can make up again. And now you two are going to be the stubborn ass human beings you are and say no or whatever but trust me on this one and do not say anything and just follow me."
They both didn't move and were being stubborn. Why am I not shocked. I grabbed their hands and they followed me to the car. I made them sit in the back and I just drove them around.

Nikki's POV:
Well great Grayson is trying to get me and Ethan back together. He made us sit right next to each other and he put stuff on the other seat so Ethan and I can be squished. Great. I was sitting next to Ethan and Grayson was driving us around. Since we were squished our hands were slightly touching. I looked at our hands and I just looked back out the window. My eyes started to fill up because I remembered everything Ethan and I had together.
Grayson: "well how are you guys."
Me: "okay"
Ethan: "amazing"
I just at Ethan a little but for him not to notice and I can't believe he said that. Amazing?! Why?! Was I that horrible of a girlfriend?
Grayson: "you two must talk to each other."
Me: "no."
Grayson: "Ok then....Ethan?"
Ethan: "no."
Grayson: "WHAT THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET YOU TWO BACK TOGETHER?! YOU ACT ALL TOUGH AND WHATEVER BUT YOU GUYS COME TO ME AND CRY AND WHATEVER ABOUT EACH OTHER." He yelled that and it was silent after for about two minutes. I wasn't going to make the first move. I don't care how bad the situation is I just am not.
Ethan: "Grayson can you please take us back home?"
Grayson: "no"
Ethan: "fine."

Grayson's POV:
I then thought of the BEST PLAN EVER. It wasn't really a plan but they would end up looking at each other. I made a really sharp turn and Ethan was very close to Nikki and he ended up kind of on her. They were just looking at each other.

Ethan's POV:
Grayson made a very sharp turn and I ended up kind of on her. We were just looking in each other's eyes. Nikki's eyes were beautiful.
Me: "you have beautiful eyes."
Nikki: "you do too."
I looked at her eyes then her lips and I bit my lip.

Nikki's POV:
When Ethan but his lip I looked at his and I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back. Our kiss lasted for about 1 minute. When we pulled away we just looked at each other.
Ethan: "I'm sorry."
Me: "me too"
Ethan: "I don't know what I would do without you"
I just kissed him again.
Then Grayson started clapping.
Ethan: "I didn't mean everything I said or when I kissed that girl."
Me: "me too"
We just sat like that for ten minutes.
Grayson: "well it looks like my job is done here."
Ethan and I just laughed.
Ethan: "well uh thanks bro."
Grayson: "no, thank you. I now don't have to hear both of you crying."

At the end of the day, Ethan and I went to the pier. We sat in the Ferris wheel, and at the top, the view was beautiful. We took lots of pictures in the photo booth. We got cotton candy. We had an amazing time.
Me: "I never want to lose you again."
Ethan: "me neither. I promise we won't lose each other."
We held hands and had a fun time.

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