Chapter 1

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"Nessie! Quit kicking her!" I yell at my sister. "No! I want OUT!" She yells back. I sigh and roll my eyes. Then I hear a crack. "Look what you did!" I yell at my idiot sister. She looks down and whimpers. I scowls, and see a light. Renesmee starts to cry, and someone takes her away. I whimper, and wait for someone to get me. No one does. Then venom starts getting close to me, and I cry out. Then cold hands take me, and I look into golden-bronze eyes. "Oh my god." He says and gasps. I look at him with my bright blue eyes, and smile. He chuckles, and says, "hi. I'm your daddy." I look over his pale face, and reach out to pull his hair. He laughs again, and grabs my hand. "We will call you, Alexa. Alexa Alice Cullen." He says, and I smile at the name. "You like that?" He asks and I smile bigger. He chuckles and calls Alice into the room. "Alice, this is Alexa Alice Cullen, Renesmee's twin sister." She gasps and smiles before taking me into her arms and running upstairs. She gives me a bath, and dresses me up, before taking me downstairs and introducing me to the family. None of them care really, they have Renesmee, what else could they want. So I fall asleep in Alice's arms, the only person who loves me besides Daddy.

The Other Twin: the story of Renesmee's twin.Where stories live. Discover now