Chapter 5

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It has been a few hours since I found this little girl. Her breathing has gone back to normal, and her eyelids finally just fluttered open. "Who are you?" She croaks out. "I'm Alexa, I found you in the park. What happened?" I ask her. She sighs and says, "My stepdad was hitting me like normal when I began to cry. He hates when I cry, because he thinks it's pathetic, that I deserve all of this. So he picked me up by my neck, and threw me at the wall. Then I blacked out, and I guess he left me in the park." I gasp. How could someone do that to a little girl! "Please don't make me go back!" She pleads. "I promise that I will never let you go back there." I say. She climbs onto my lap, and wraps her arms around my neck. "What is your name?" I ask her. "Emily." "Well Emily, would you like to stay with me?" She nods, and hugs me tighter. I smile, and say, "How about a bath?" She nods, and I scoop her up, and carry her to the bathroom. I run her bath water, and put bubbles in. Then I undress her, and put her in the tub. She plays with the bubbles and giggles. "You like the bubbles?" I say smiling. She nods and splashes around. I laugh and wash the blood out of her shoulder length hair. Then I soap her off, and wrap her up in a towel. "We'll have to go get you some clothes, but for now, you can just wear one of my t-shirts. It will be big, but it will fit like a nightgown." I say smiling as I comb out her somewhat curly locks. "I have never been shopping. My mommy dies when I was little." She says frowning. I set her on the bed, and get out a plain white t-shirt. I slip it over her, and it goes down to ankles, but will keep her warm. Then I put on my jacket, and grab my purse. "Ready to go shopping?" I ask smiling. She nods excitedly, and reaches up to me. I pick her up and balance her on my hip. "Okay, first we have to go talk to my Jaden. You'll like her, she's very kind." I say. She nods, and hides her face in my neck. I walk up to Jadens back door and walk in. "Jaden! I have someone for you to meet!" She comes out from her room, and gasps at the sight of Emily. "This is Emily. She is staying with me now. Her father abused her, and now she is mine." I say smiling at the last part. She smiles and says, "Well at least I know you have someone to keep you company. You are seriously anti-social." She jokes, and I crack a smile. "Well we are going to go pick her up some things, I have my cell phone." I say waving as I walk to my car. "We need to get you a car seat, so I guess you will just sit on my lap, and I won't crash the car lol." She smiles at me and nods. We pull into the parking lot of the mall, and I grab my purse and Emily before getting out. "We are going to go to the gap, Macy's, and Gymboree!" I say smiling at her as her eyes roam the busy mall.
We shop for a long time. Emily loved it, she likes to try in things. Now she is sitting in her new car seat, humming along to the song. "Did you have fun?" I ask her. She smiles and nods really fast. I laugh, "You are darling." She giggles, and I park by the guest house. Then I pull her out of the car, and bring her in. "You stay right here okay? I need to get the bags." She nods and I go get the bags. There are like five million, but she needed it. "Okay, how about pizza? You hungry?" I ask. "What's pizza?" She asks making a confused face. "You don't know what pizza is? You crazy kid!" I say tickling her. She laughs like crazy, and I pick her up. Then I order the pizza, and we watch Nick Junior, because that's the only kid channel I remember. She eats her pizza quickly, and we watch some tv, before she yawns, and I smile at her. "Ready for bed?" I ask and she nods. I scoop her up, and put her into my bed. Then I tuck her in, and kiss her forehead. "Goodnight Emily" I say. "Goodnight Mommy." She says smiling. I freeze at the mention of that name, but then smile. We were both alone in this jacked up world, but now, we have each other. I smile and click off the lamp, before walking back to the family room, shutting the door. I was watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians when I get a phone call. "Hello?" I say. "Alexa?!" My frantic sister calls into the phone. "Yes? What's wrong?" I ask. "There is a change of plans, Jacob and I are getting married in three days, and I need you here as soon as possible. I freeze. Holy crap! I can't do this today! I don't even know if I can do this ever! "Alexa?" Renesmee calls into the phone, breaking me from my daze. "Um, okay" I choke out. "Great! I'll see you soon!" Then the line goes dead, and I stare into blank space. Oh my god. How. Am. I. Going. To. Do. This! I mentally scream at myself for about two hours before getting up and changing into leggings, a collared sweater, and combat boots. I pack my suitcase frantically, and then pack Emily's. I grab my coat, Emily's coat, and put it all in the car. Then I go and get a sleeping Emily into the car, not bothering to change she out of her pjs. Then I send Jaden a text explaining, and saying that I'll see here when she gets back from Mexico. Then I take my time driving like an old person, trying take as long as I can. Then I finally turn into the long Cullen drive way, and see nine vampires looking through the window. I take a deep breath before gettkng out of the car, and putting unbuckling my little Emily. Then I pull her out of the car, and let her rest her head on my shoulder, as she breathes slowly. Then I flash at vampire speed to the door, and nock on the door. Instantly my "family" shows up, and gasps at the sight of me, and the human child in my arms. "Alexa!" My mom and dad call out. I force a smile, and say, "Hello." Then I look over the crowd in front of me, and see my favorite person. Alice. My childhood savior. That is until she ran away. "Alice?" I ask shocked. "I know. You've missed a lot." She says pulling me into a hug. I hug her back with my empty arm. "Who is this?" Mom asks gesturing to Emily. "This is Emily, my daughter. It's a long story, and she has no clue who any of you are. Please don't freak her out when she wakes up." I say, and they gasp. Just then Emily wakes up and looks around. "Mommy, where are we." She asks sleepily. "We are at my old house, it's okay." I say and she hides her face in my neck, shivering. "Can we go inside, she's cold." I ask and they all nod, remembering that she is human. I sit down on the couch, and Emily sits in my lap. Alice sits next to me. Mom,Dad,Renesmee, and Jacob sit I the other couch. Esme, Carlisle, Rosalie, and Emmet sit on the other. "Alexa, can I hold her?" Alice asks, and I nod. I hand over Emily. Alice plays with her, and Emily giggles. "So Alexa, you decided to come?" Dad says. I nod and say, "When I ran away, I didn't want to be found. All that I felt towards all of you was sadness. I never felt loved. Or at least not after Alice left. But eventually I realized that I always had loved you guys, that I couldn't stay away forever. So I came." They stare at me teary-eyed, and finally Mom says, "Alexa, we are so sorry. I am so sorry. We love you." I smile, and say, "It's alright I guess. I'm glad we made up, but we have bigger problems." "What is that?" My parents ask. "Why on Earth are you letting Renesmee marry the dog!" I say. They all laugh except Renesmee and the dog. "Laugh all you want, but I'm the one getting married. At least I won't be alone forever." My sister says laughing. "I have Emily. I'd take her over the dog any day." I say smirking. "Whatever!" She says, and I laugh. "Mommy? Who are these people?" Em asks. I laugh, and pull her onto my lap, before pointing and naming everyone. "This is our family. They won't hurt you. You can trust them. They love you, almost as much as I do." I say, and the kisses my cheek. Then we spend the night taking about the wedding, and what I've been doing. Emily sleeps in my dads arms, and I can tell my the way he looks at her, he is as in love with her as I am. Then we start to watch a sports game, and I get bored, so I move the remote over to me with my mind, and and changes the channel. "Alexa! What was that." The whole family asks astonished. I laugh and says,"one of my powers:moving objects with my mind." Putting emphasis on the one. The stare wide eyes at me and I laugh. "And we thought Nessie was the powerful one." Mom says shaking her head in shock.

The Other Twin: the story of Renesmee's twin.Where stories live. Discover now