Chapter 24

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"Carlisle! What's happening?" Esme asks panicking as Carlisle frantically throws things into his doctor bag. "I don't know, the hospital called and said they needed me." He says. "Well, do you want us to come?" Esme asks, and he shakes his head. "You guys don't need to spend Christmas in the hospital." He says, then waves goodbye and disappears out the door. We just relaxed for the rest of the day, ate dinner, and talked. I had just bathed John and Jaden when Carlisle called Esme. Everyone watches, and try's to listen in, but they were speaking too low. She hangs up the phone and says," He needs us to meet him at the hospital. There is a situation." She says, and everyone nods, then gets into their cars. I sit in the back and put Jaden and John into their pajamas, then we arrived. I don't bother to take out the car seat, Seth takes Emily by the hand, and leads us in. We go up to the floor Carlisle told Esme, and sit in the waiting room. "Mom, is someone sick?" Emily asks, and I shake my head. "I'm not sure, how about you go do a puzzle with Alex?" I suggest, trying to not worry her. She nods, and goes over to Alexandra. "What do you think happened?" Seth whispers in my ear. "I honestly have no clue." I say, and cross my legs, being careful not to wake up Jaden and John, who are sleeping in my arms. "Okay guys, there is something we need to discuss." Carlisle says, walking into the waiting room. We all form a circle naturally and listen. "So when I got in, I delivered a baby right off the back. But the mother died minutes after she gave birth, and named the baby Elijah. He doesn't have a father on tab, and apparently the mother was in a huge argument with her family, and no one wants to adopt the baby." Carlisle explains. "Can we meet him?" I ask, and he nods. "But I can only take two at a time, so I'll take you and Seth first since you asked." He says and I nod. I hand the twins gently over to Esme and Mom, then take Seth's hand. We follow Carlisle into a room in the back of the hall way, and see the nursery for newborn babies. Parents wave from the windows, and point at their new children. Carlisle leads us to the back corner, and to a little bed containing Elijah. Instantly I'm in love. "May I?" I asks, wanting to hold him and Carlisle nods. I gently pick him up and cradle him. He fits into my arms perfectly, and his head rests against my chest. "He likes you. He usually squirms around when someone picks him up." Carlisle says, and I smile at Elijah. I stroke his face and look at Seth. "Can we?" I ask him and he sighs. "Alexa, we have 3 beautiful children." He says, and I sigh, and put Elijah back into the bed. He immediately starts crying, and Carlisle picks him up, not that it helps anything. I take him into my arms, and bring him up to my chest. I bounce him gently and pat his back. He calms down, and falls asleep. I look back at Seth with sad eyes, and he caves. "Okay! We can adopt him!" He says, and I smile. "How about it? Do you want to be Elijah Clearwater?" I murmur into his ear, and he smiles in his sleep. "Okay, I'll go get the papers. You can wait in the room next door. "Carlisle says, and we nod. Seth wraps his arms around my waist, and kisses me. "Do you like him?" I ask. "I like whatever makes you happy. And if I'm being honest, my heart melted when I saw him." He says and chuckles. We go into the other room, and I ask him to go get Alice and the kids. "Mommy!" Emily says, and hops onto the bed. "Sh,sh. He sleeping." I say, and she nods. "Mommy, is that my brother?" She asks and I nod. "This is Elijah, he is you third little sibling!" I say and she smiles. "Can I hold him?" She asks and I nods. She sits up against the bed, and I put him into her arms. He squirms for a minute, then calms down, snuggles into her. "I like him mommy." She says and I laugh. "Me too." I say, then take him out of her arms, and put him into the little crib thing next to the bed. I take Jaden, who is reaching for me, and smile at her. She puts her hand on my cheek and asks,'Do you still love us?" "Of course! I love all of you! I always have and always will!" I say and kiss her forehead. She smiles and hugs me. "Okay, so your actually adopting another child?" Alice asks. "Um yeah. Obviously." I say, and she laughs. "Are you sure you can handle that?" She asks, and I laugh. "Trust me, it will be a piece of cake." I say, and smile at Elijah. "What's his name!" She asks. "Elijah." I say and she raises an eyebrow. "Like from the bible?" She asks and I shrug. "His mother chose it before she died." I say and she nods. "Here, I found some clothes." Seth says, and hands me a sleeper from who knows where. I gently take Elijah out of the crib, and lay him on the bed. I unwrap him, and quickly change him before he gets cold. "Alexa, does my stomach look bigger to you?" Alice asks, looking at herself in the bathroom mirror. "Uh, yeah. I guess the baby grows fast?" I say in question form. "My god! If I have a baby tonight, I don't know what I'll do. I'm not ready to be a mom!" She screeches. "Shh!" I say, rocking Elijah. "See! I'm not ready!" Alice says, and puts her hand on her forehead. "You'll be fine! Trust me, you aren't having a baby tonight." I say and she nods. "Okay, the papers are all signed, and you are free to take him home!"Carlisle says, and I smile. I put Elijah into a car seat that I'm pretty sure Rosalie stole, and give it to Seth. I pick up John and Jaden, kiss each of their cheeks, and follow everyone out the door. The rest of the night we talk at home. Everyone holds Elijah, and Rosalie sends me a few jealous looks, but I ignore it. We decide to stay the night because it got late, all of the kids fell asleep, and we were having a good time talking and laughing.

The Other Twin: the story of Renesmee's twin.Where stories live. Discover now