Chapter 6

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"So why are you getting married so soon?" I ask raising my eyebrow. "Because I love him. I couldn't wait." My lovesick sister says. I roll my eyes. "What? You don't believe in love?" She asks skeptically. I shrug and she stares at me like I'm crazy. "So you have never been in love?" She asks. "Nessie, I'm not you. I'm me. Haven't you ever considered how my life has been. Trust me, there is no love." I say looking into my sisters eyes. "I don't understand." She says shaking her head. "Nessie. I left home sick, upset, and unhealthy. I was anorexic for like forever, and I lived with humans. I haven't been hunting in years, and now the only thing holding me here is you guys, and Emily. I am past a breaking point. I am broken." I say looking down at my feet. Nessie runs over to me with tears streaming down her face. "Please never leave again. I missed you, and I can't loose you." She says. I shrug, and Mom walks into my room. "Emily is awake and freaking out because she doesn't believe your downstairs." "Mom! You should have told me! She is almost as broken as me!" I shout, before running to the living room, where my broken girl is crying. I rush over to the couch, and scoop her up. "Shh, Shh. I'm here, I'll never leave you. Okay? I'm here." I coo into her ear, until she stops crying. I wipe away her tears, and kiss her forehead. "How about we get you dressed?" Alice asks. "No! Mommy don't leave me." She says frantically. "Don't worry, I'll come with you. I'll never leave you." I say before standing up, ignoring the shocked faces staring at me. "What? I'm not going to let my daughter become as broken as me. I love her." I say to all of them over my shoulder.
When we get upstairs, Alice has picked out a brand new outfit. On the bed, a black frilly dress is laid out with white tights, and black boots. "When did you get this?" I ask her. "It was meant for you, but after you ran away, I never had a chance to put it on you." She says tearing up. I give her a hug, "Alice, I didn't leave because of you. When you left, I was already broken. I left because I needed to be happy. I needed to get better." I say into her ear. She pulls away and says,"are you? Are you happy now?" "I would say I'm happy, but it would be a lie. I had an anxiety attack when Nessie called, and didn't know if I could do it. Then I found Emily. And I guess now, I'm better. Still broken, but better." I say and she frowns. "I promise that you will get better. Emily too. She is our miracle. She will save you. I will do whatever I can to help you." I smile at her, and look at Emily who is watching me from the bed. "What do you think? Do you think it's time to get better?" I ask her. She smiles her dimple filled smile, and says,"Mommy, you saved me. I am better. It's my turn to help you." I smile at my beautiful girl. "You my darling, are helping me get better every time I see you face." I says scooping her up, and changing her into the outfit Alice picked out for her. Then I put her hair in two French braids. "Ready?" I ask her, and she nods. Then I pick her up and say, "Say thank you to Aunt Alice!" Then she reaches out for her, and Alice picks her up. Emily kisses her on the cheek, and Alice smiles. Then we go downstairs, and make Emily breakfast. The family stares at me as I chase Emily around the house, and then catch her, picking her up and twirling her around. "Gotcha." I say, planting a kiss on her cheek. Everyone laughs and smiles, admiring my Motherhood. Then I sit down with Emily on my lap, and let her play with my fingers. "Alexa, we just want to tell you how proud of you we are. You are a better mother than I ever was to you, and I hope you forgive me for it." Mom says and I look up at her. I hand Emily over to Alice, Emily's new favorite play mate, and walk over to my mother and father. "I hope you know that I'm not upset. If I still was, I wouldn't be here. Believe me, it was hard, but if I held grudges, I'd be even more broken than I am." I say looking down at my feet. Just then, they pull me into a hug, and Dad says, "please don't call yourself broken. It breaks my heart to hear. Knowing that we never helped you." I pull away, and say,"I can't do that. You see, I am broken, but I'm putting my pieces back together. Now that I am here, a huge chuck of me is back in place. Soon enough, I'll be better. But for now, I'll be broken. That's just how it is. If I pretend that I'm okay, I'll just break again, and I can't do that. Not now that I have my Emily, and have my life coming together." They stare at me, and nod. "But know this, you didn't break me. I broke myself, and because of that, I can say that I love you guys. All of you. Even if you didn't show me much when I was younger, I know you love me too."

The Other Twin: the story of Renesmee's twin.Where stories live. Discover now