Chapter 15

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"Shhh Emmy! You don't want to wake up mommy do you?" Seth whispers to Emily. My eyes flutter open, and I sit up. "Oops!" Emily says, before shrugging and climbing onto the bed, and into my lap. I smile down at my little girls, then take in what she is wearing. "What is this outfit?" I ask Seth, laughing. "Don't look at me! A certain little girl is now a sailor!" Seth says, pointing at Emily. "Alrighty then! How about breakfast?" I ask, and both of them say, "Yes!" At the same time. I laugh, and Emily runs out the door. "Good morning!" Seth says, like five minuets late, kissing me. "You too" I say, wrapping my arms around him. "Go downstairs! A small child is probably raiding the kitchen! I'm going to put on some clothes, then I'll be down." I say, kissing him one more time before I pull away, and he runs downstairs. I sigh, and walk into my way oversized closet. "How many clothes can a person wear!" I shout to no one in particular. I walk around the perimeter of the closet about a million times before putting on skinny jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and combat boots. Then I throw my hair into a messy bun, and start to brush my teeth. RING! Ahh holy crap my phone is loud! I wince, and answer my phone. "This is Alexa" I say, and put my phone on speaker as I wipe my mouth. "Alexa! Renemee just got home. We have a situation. Get over here!" Alice shouts into the phone, before hanging up. I grab my phone, my purse, and run downstairs. "Seth! Emily! We have to go! Something is happening at the house!" I yell, and Seth runs in with a pancake in his mouth, and sailor Emily over his shoulder. "What happened?" He asks, his mouth full of food. "I don't know, but we have to go!" I say, before grabbing Emily and running out the door. I run at vampire speed to the house, Seth right behind me, and burst through the door. "What's wrong?!" I yell, walking into the living room. "Well, we have. A situation." Dad says. "Yes I know! What is the situation?" I ask impatiently, soothing down Emily's hair, and adjusting her hat. "Sit." He says, and I take a seat on the couch, Seth next to me. "We have to warn you." Alice says, walking over to me. "Okay, shoot." I say. "Well, I'll let Renesmee tell you." She says, taking the other empty seat next to me. "Well, Jacob and I are having a baby. Like soon. Like tomorrow-" she starts, and I spring up, making Emily cling to me. "WHAT? BABYS DONT GROW THAT FAST!" I shout. "Well, that's the thing, we wanted to warn you. The mix of breeds that we created grow really fast. And well, I can hear your stomach you know, twin stuff, and I think your pregnant." She says, looking at me cautiously. "What?! No I'm not!" I say, looking at her like she's crazy. "Just have Carlisle check you out! I think you are. And btw when were you going to tell me you got married?!" She says, her eyes roaming between my stomach and my ring. "Okay fine! But I'm not pregnant." I say, grabbing Seth's hand. "Ally, you may be." He whispers into my ear, so quiet only I can hear. What? No. Wait... We did do... No that was only last night! But Nessie is due tomorrow. Oh crap. "Emmy, why don't you play sailor with Aunt Alice!" I tell her, and she smiles and grabs Alice's arm. "Okay Alexa, to the examination room." Carlisle orders, and I nod, bringing Seth by the arm. I walk up to the room, and lay on the table. "You know we can do it right? We already have one." Seth says, and I nod, suddenly nervous as Carlisle runs cold blue gel onto my stomach. "Okay, this will tell us if your pregnant." He says, and I nod, too nervous to speak. He puts the little machine thing on my stomach and moves it about an inch before I can hear a heart beat. It sound really fast, but I guess it's the hybrid gene thing. "Alexa, your pregnant. This is the head, feet, arms- oh wait. There's more. Ally! Your having twins!" He says, wide eyed. "What?!" I shout. Alice runs into the room with my mom and sister. Rosalie and Esme are not far behind. "Ah! Twins! There going to be so cute! I can't wait!" Alice exclaims. "Where is Emily?" I ask, suddenly worried, until is hear her heart beat. "Never mind." I say, calming down. "Seth! Your making my grandkids number go way up!" Bella says, and he blushes. "Don't worry! You'll be a great dad!" She says. He nods, and looks back at the picture on the screen. "So? How about we go tell the boys! Good luck with Edward! He was so freaked out when Nessie and Jake told him." Rosalie says laughing, and Alice smacks her arm. "Don't worry!" Alice says, comforting me. "Alright then. I guess it's time to tell the world." I say, and they laugh. "Seth? Are you ready?" I ask. "Ready as I even will be." He says, wrapping an arm around me, and following the crowd out the door. I kiss him on the lips before we step into the living room, and my dads eyes narrow in on us. "Daddy, I'm having twins." I tell him, very, very slowly. He gets up, and looks as if he may pass out, but walks over. I look at him, trying to calm him down with my powers, but he keeps waking. Just when I expect him to smack Seth, he pats him on the back. "My boy is gonna be a father to 3!" He says laughing. I give him a big hug, and smile. "Well, now all that's left to do is wait!" I say smiling. "Emmy? You be a good big sister right?" I ask her, picking her up. "I'm gonna be the best ever!" she says beaming. I laugh and kiss her on the cheek. "I'm sure you will!" I say, placing her down, and looking at my stomach in the mirror. "What the heck! My bump is already bigger than Nessies!" I complain tracing circles in my stomach. "Well, I guess twins develop faster.... You may give birth at the same time as Nessie." Carlisle says, writing something down in a book. "At which time?" Seth says panicking. "Who knows? Tomorrow.. Maybe tonight!" Carlisle says. Seth's eyes widen, and he plops down on the couch. "Seth, they are going to arrive when they do. You will be a great father! Your so good with Emily! I trust you, and know you. You will be wonderful things for these babies." I tell him, my forehead against his. I kiss his forehead, and sit next to him on the couch. "Thank you." He says, wrapping his big arms around me, and pulling me into his lap. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me." He says, and I smile. "I love you." I say. "I love you too." He says, kissing my cheek. I almost forget anyone was here except us, that is until Nessie screams, and I look over frantic. "She going into labor." Carlisle says. Oh crap... I'm next. and soon. I get up, and rush with everyone else into the hospital room. I am put into a bed, something about not wanting me to put stress on the babies, and watch Nessie as she struggles through her first contraction.

The Other Twin: the story of Renesmee's twin.Where stories live. Discover now