Chapter 17

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"Alexa, Jaden's crying." Seth whisper, half asleep. "It's your turn." I moan. "No, that only worked last time. Go save our child." Seth says, covering his face with a pillow. I groan and get up. Luckily the nursery isn't done yet, so I only have to walk a few feet. "Shhh, shhh. J I'm going to give you a bottle! Shhh." I whisper to Jaden, rocking her as I grab her bottle. I warm it up with my heat powers, and shake it up. I put the bottle in her mouth, and sit in the big chair next to their cradle. "That's better huh?" I ask her, stroking her cheek. Soon she falls asleep, and I put her half full bottle into the mini fridge. I check the clock, seeing what time it is because I can't fall back asleep. 6:20. Way too early for life but whatever. Seth's phone rings, and I answer it before it can wake up the babies. "Hello?" I ask, wondering who calls at six in the morning. "Alexa, it's Jacob. There's some issue a few towns away. Seth needs to come now." He says, all in one breath. "Okay, I'll get him up." I tell him, and hang up. "Seth! Jacob needs you. Something's wrong." I tell him, and he very slowly gets up. Eventually he runs out the door, and into the woods. "Mrs, Alexa, can I get you some coffee?" My personal assistant, whoms name I don't remember asks. "Yes, thank you. In a to go cup please." I say, and she scurries off. I decided to get it to go, and go over to the main house. I put the twins, still sleeping luckily into the stroller, and change into leggings and a sweater, before throwing on random shoes, and going to get Emily. I sneak into her room, and carry her in my arms back to my room, where I get the stroller, and push it into the foyer, where my assistant is waiting with my coffee. "Thank you! I'll be heading over to my parents for a while." I say, and she nods. "Is there anything you would like us to do today?" She asks, making sure to be quiet around the sleeping kids. "Well in the room next to mine we would like to get made into a nursery soon." I say, and she nods. "We'll have it done by tonight." She says, before curtsying, and running off. I shift Emily onto my hip, resting her head on my shoulder, and push the stroller out the door. I walk to the main house slowly, sleep deprived, and don't bother to knock when I get to the door. I push it open, and push the stroller into the house. Crap. I forgot about the stairs. I take the car seats out of their attached places in the stroller, and balance both of them on one arm, as Emily sleeps soundly on my other. I walk up the stairs, and sit down on the couch in the room where Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmet are sitting. "So, how was the first night?" Alice asks, smiling. I lay Emily down on the couch next to me, her head in my lap. "Tiring. Hybrid babies are worse than human newborns. I swear they eat more, and sleep less." I groan, placing the twins in their car seats on the ground. "You should have called! I would have been over in a second!" Alice complains. "Feel free to move in. The nanny goes home before bed to it kind of sucks." I say, trying to keep my eyelids open. Just on cue, John starts to cry, and I groan. I pick him up, and he stops crying, like he always does. Then he falls back asleep. I put him back down, and Jaden starts crying. "J. You are a piece of work." I groan, picking her up. She doesn't stop crying. "She didn't finish her bottle earlier." I explain. "Let me. Auntie Alice to the rescue." She says, picking up Jaden, and getting out a bottle. I point my finger at it, and warm it up, earning surprised looks from everyone. "What? Just because I never use my powers doesn't mean don't have them." I say, laughing. They laugh, and just on cue again, John starts to cry, causing a newly sleeping Jaden to wake up, and cry. "I swear they don't stop!" I quietly scream, not wanting to wake up Emily, who some how is sleeping through this. I pick up John, and he stops crying as usual, but Jaden doesn't stop. I gesture for Alice to give her to me, and I take Jaden into my arms, along with John. She immediately stops crying. "They don't like to be apart." I explain, and they nod. "Okay, give me my boy." Emmet yells, walking back in from the yard. They both start crying and I groan, shooting him a look, before getting up and bouncing them, causing them to calm down. "You know, your really good at this whole Mom thing." Rosalie says, and I laugh. "I just pretend to be. Inside I'm half asleep, and screaming." I tell her and she laughs. "Can I hold them?" She asks, looking hopeful. "Sure" I say, knowing that they are awake, and not likely to cry. I give them to her, and she beams. "I've never stopped wanting a child." She says, smiling down at them. "Trust me, I love them to pieces, but they are only cute when they aren't crying." I say laughing. She smiles, and strokes their heads. "Alexa, why don't you go to sleep, you look exhausted. You can crash in my room." Alice says, and I nod. Walking up the stairs, and reaching for the door nob, when I hear a cry from Nessie's room. I sigh, and decide to be nice, and walk to the room. "Nessie?" I asks, waking into the room. Nessie is frantically rocking Alexandra and shhhing her. "Ness! Slow your roll, your probably freaking her out!" I say, grabbing Alex from Ness's arms, and gently rocking her. She stops crying, and I put her back in her crib. "You don't even know. That child won't sleep." She says, sounding as tired as I am. "Actually I do. I have the same issue. Except doubled." I say laughing. "Right. Where are your kids?" She asks, and I point downstairs, where no noise is coming from. "They have four vampire babysitters at the moment. I'm going to take a nap. Feel free to join." I say. She nods, then glances back at Alexandra. "She won't be up for a while." I say, pointing to my head when she looks at me confused. "Right." She says, and laughs quietly. We crawl into her and Jacobs bed, and falls asleep the second our heads hit the pillow.

The Other Twin: the story of Renesmee's twin.Where stories live. Discover now