Chapter 26

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"Alexa, I'm leaving." Seth says, and kisses my head. "Where are you going?" I ask him, sitting up on the couch at the main house, and rubbing my eyes. "I have to do some pack stuff, but I'll be back in an hour or so." He says and I nod before kissing him, and getting up off the couch. "You ready Seth?" Jake calls from outside and he waves before kissing my cheek and leaving. I sigh and look around at the living room. It's empty except for Elijah and the twins who are still sleeping. My eyes go back to the twins and bulge wide. They grew again! They look at least three or four! Just then Jaden wakes up, and smiles sleepily at me. "Good morning baby." I say and kneel down next to her. She climbs into my arms, and lays her head sleepily on my chest. "You grew again huh?" I say and she nods. "Well, you look very pretty." I say and she smiles, sucking on her pacifier. "We may have to get rid of that soon." I say and she throws it on the ground before putting her thumb in her mouth. I laugh and stand up. "Do you want some breakfast?" I ask and she nods against my chest. I stand up and walk out of the room quietly and into the kitchen. Renesmee is sitting at the table with Alice and Rose. Alice gasps, as she takes in Jaden's new appearance. "She looks so much like you used to!" Alice says and I smile. "No, she's much prettier." I say and Jaden hides her face in my neck. I laugh and put her in the chair next to Rose. Then I sit next to her and she climbs into my lap. I laugh," Someone's snuggley today!" She blushes and lays against me. "Where is Elliot?" I ask and Alice smiles. "Jazz is watching her." She says and smiles at the memory of the two. "Guys! Family meeting!" Dad says as he and mom rush through the door. "What's wrong?" I ask concerned. "You'll see. Come to the living room." Mom says in a tone that reminds me of the old her. I hold Jaden close to me and go into the living room, where I move John onto the couch next to me, and Elijah's crib by my side. Emily runs in and sits next to John and Nessie sits next to her with Alex. "What's this about?" Carlisle asks. I look back over at dad and mom is using her freaking shield around him. My eyes lock on him, and I wait for him to respond. "The Denali's are coming. They say something's happened." He says and glares at me. "So why are you glaring at her?" Alice asks, and he rolls his eyes. "Because they said its her fault." Mom says. "What?! I've been here for like a month!" I say and they roll their eyes. "Guys! Stop! She didn't do anything!" Nessie says, and the frown on her. "Your so sweet. You can't see past her mask."  Mom says and smiles at her. "This is crazy! I didn't do anything!" I say. Just then a door slams, and the Denali's storm in. "You! You did this!" Kate yells, and Emmet holds her back. "Emily, take John and Jaden upstairs." I say and she nods before taking their hands. "Alex, will you take Elijah?" I ask and she nods, scooping him up and rushing upstairs. "Okay, now what is this about?" Carlisle asks, gesturing for them to sit down. "Tanya is dead. That bitch killed her." Kate says and glares daggers at me. "What?! I've been here this whole time!" I say staring at this crazy chick. "No! You killed her!" Kate says and I widen my eyes. "When? When would I have done that!" I say and she rolls her eyes. "Oh come on! Is it really that surprising? You were always the "other one". You probably wanted attention." Carmen says and I feel my strength snapping shut. I am breaking. My mind drifts back to before I ran. "You were never meant to be born! You were a mistake!" Mom, dad, Rose, and Jake repeat in my head. My head spins, and I scream. "Alexa! What's wrong?" Alice asks terrified. "MAKE IT STOP!" I say between screams. I keep hearing voices in my head telling me I'm a mistake, that no one wants me. "Alexa! Calm down!" Alice says stroking my hair. "They won't stop!" I scream, and finally everything just goes black.

"Alexa, Alexa honey wake up." Alice's sweet voice coaxes. My eyes slowly open and I see Alice holding up my head. "What happened?" I ask, and she sighs. "You kept screaming and saying weird things, then you just fainted." She says, and I stand up slowly. "Where are they?" I ask and she sighs. "There still here. Did you kill her?" She asks and I shake my head. "Of course not." I say obviously. I sit in the couch and look around the room. Mom, Dad, Nessie, and the Denali's sit on the opposite one. "Look who woke up." Renesmee says in a snarky tone. "I wish she didn't." Kate whispers to mom and she laughs. "Seriously? I can hear you." I say, hurt leaking into my voice. "Good. You deserve to be hurt. You are a mistake." Dad says and a tear rolls down my face. "Edward! Don't talk to her like that!" Carlisle says. "Do you want to lose her again?" Esme asks him and he shrugs. "Wouldn't do me any harm." He says and another tear rolls down my cheek. "Great. That's just great. Because you know what? You just lost me again. I don't ever want to see any of you ever again." I say and run upstairs away from the shocked faces I left behind. "Emily! Twins! Bring Elijah in here!" I say and they come in. "Mommy, what's wrong?" Emily asks and I wipe away the tears that fall. "We have to go. This isn't our home, and these people aren't our family." I say and they nod. I pick up Elijah and grab Emily's hand, who grabs the twins hands. "Okay, we're going to meet daddy at home, then go." I say, and they nod. "Don't talk to anyone downstairs. I don't know what to think of them right now." I say, and lead them downstairs. "Alexa! Don't do this!" Alice says, snapping out of her statue type daze. "Emily, take your siblings and go stand my the car." I say and she nods. She takes them outside and I hold Elijah close to me. "Alice, I love you, but it's not safe for me and for my kids here. If I can't go a day without having my own family yell at me and criticize my being, I can't stay. And I sure as hell won't be raising my children around the crazy people. Anyone who doesn't despise my being can visit anytime they want, but I'm never coming back to this house, and im leaving forks." I say before wiping away another tear, and turning on my heel. "Alexa!" A few people call after me but I don't look back. I walk out the door and slam it behind me. "Okay guys, let's go." I say and unlock the car.
We drive home and I pack up all of their stuff, before loading it into the car and waiting for Seth to get home. "Alexa? Alexa! Oh I'm so sorry! I'll never let them do that to you again!" Seth says running inside and kissing me for a long time. "It's okay. At least I still have you and our beautiful kids." I say and he smiles. "Promise me we will never let them feel that way." I say and he nods. "They will feel nothing but love. Just as you should from now on." He says and I smile at him. "Okay, let's load up the troops." I say and he laughs, talking my hand and kissing it before going to put Elijah in his car seat. "John, Jaden, and Emmy! It's time to go!" I say and they come running down the stairs. "Where are we going?" They ask and I smile. "I was thinking Jackson Falls." I say, and smile at the memories I've had there. They clap their hands and I laugh. I kiss each of them before picking up John and ushering the kids outside and into the car. This is where our next chapter begins. A happier chapter, or so we hope.

Okay guys! So this was the last chapter! But... I think there will be a sequel! It will be out soon! I love you all, and hope you have a great week:)

The Other Twin: the story of Renesmee's twin.Where stories live. Discover now