Chapter 22

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"Mom, Dad! Get up! It's Christmas Eve!" Emily screams, jumping on our bed. We came home last night, just to get the kids used to the new house. "Okay! We're up!" I say. The twins are crying because Emily woke them up, and Seth is half asleep. I get up, and pick up and rock them until they calm down. "Okay! Let's go to the kitchen." I say, and she nods, skipping down the hallway. "Seth, you need to get up." I tell him, running my fingers through his hair. He opens his eyes and nods. "We are going to your Charlie's and your moms." I say and he nods. I kiss him quickly and pull him out of bed and into the kitchen. The chef is making Christmas shaped pancakes, and bacon. "Smells good!" Seth says, and takes John and Jaden from me. I get out the bottles and warm them up, then give them to the twins who are sitting in their high chairs. "Okay, so we leave in an hour, and we're having lunch there." Seth says. I nod, and feed the twins bites of baby food. They both spit it out all over, but it was worth a try. "Okay then! Baby food is out of the question" I say and Seth laughs. I sit down at the table and eat my pancakes, then wipe off Emily's face, and go with her to her room. "Okay, let's get you dressed!" I say. She nods, and picks out legging, a tank top, a long sweater, and boots. "Perfect!" I say, and get her dressed. "Okay, hair. How about curls?" I ask and she jumps up and down. I laugh, and lift her up into the barstool in the bathroom. I curl her hair, and then pin back a piece from the front. "Okay! All done!" I say, and smile at her beautiful face. "Hey momma?" She says, and I look at her. "What's that?" I say. "I love you." She says, and I smile. I pick her up and kiss her cheek. "I love you more." I say and hug her. "Now let's go get the twins dressed!" I say, and she nods. I put Jaden in red stripe leggings, a white Christmas onesie, and a red skirt. Then I put John in a Red long-sleeved sleeper. "Okay? Who's ready to meet the grandparents?" I ask and neither of them look pleased. "It's okay. Everyone likes babies!" I say, and they giggle. "Who said you guys could have fun?" Seth jokes. They giggle even more, and I pick them up. "Okay. Let's get them in their car seats." I say and Seth nods, picking up Emily, and throwing her over his stroller. I pick up the twins, throw some blood bottles into the diaper bag, and go into the garage where Seth and Jaden are in the car. I buckle the twins into the car seats, and get into the front. "Ready?" Seth asks and grabs my hand. "As ever." I say and he laughs. He kisses my hand, then drives to Charlie's. Thats when I remember. I've never met Charlie. My family never showed me to him. "Seth. He doesn't know." I say, and he looks at me confused. "Who? What?" He says. "Charlie. We've never met." I say and he sighs. "He'll love you." He says, and squeezes my hand sympathetically. I sigh, and we pull into the drive way of my mother's childhood home. "Okay. Stay calm. I'll be by your side the whole time." He says and I nod. I take the twins and their car seats out of the car, and let Emily unbuckle herself. Then Seth carries the car seats, and I hold Emily's hand as we walk past my parents' and Nessie's cars. Then we walk up to the doorstep and nock. Charlie opens the door, and says,"Seth! So glad you could join us!" "Good to see you Charlie." He says, and we walk inside. "Who are these people?" Charlie asks, and I look down at my feet awkwardly. "Charlie. This is our daughter Alexa, Renemee's twin sister." Mom says, and his eyes widen. "Need to know?" He asks, and she smiles and nods. "Okay then! And the children?" He asks Seth and I. "Well, Alexa and I are married and these are our kids." He says, and Charlie and Sue gasp. "When? I wasn't invited?" Sue asks. "Don't take it personally! None of us were. But I'm throwing them a newly wedded party! You'll be receiving an invite." Alice says and beams. "So you what? Eloped?" Charlie asks sarcastically. "Um yeah. We did actually." Seth says, and they gasp. "Okay! Enough suprises! Let me get to know my granddaughter! And great grand children?" He says frowning at the last part. "You look great." I tell him and he smiles. He pulls me in for a hug and says,"This one's my new favorite!" Everyone laughs, and Jaden cries from her car seat. I look over, and Seth is trying to calm her down, to no avail. "Let me see her." I say and he nods. I take her into my arms and hug her close to my body, rocking her from side to side. She calms down instantly, and I lay her head on my shoulder. "And she stops babies from crying! She is definitely my favorite." He says and I laugh. "They are my babies." I say, and he cracks a smile. Emily walks over to my side and hides behind my leg. "Do you want to meet grandpa Emmy?" I ask her and she nods. I pick her up and she waves to him before blushing and hiding in my hair. "Hi! What's your name?" Charlie asks. "Emily" she says. "That's a pretty name. Can I hold you?" He asks her, and she looks at me hesitantly. I nod and she reaches out to him. He takes her into his arms, and sighs. "Finally! Someone who isn't ice cold!" He says, and she giggles. "Cute. I like her" he announces and I laugh. Jaden stares him down from my lap, and debates whether she likes or not. I kiss her head, and give her a paci. She leans back against my stomach, and I wrap my arms around her. Alice takes a picture, and I laugh. She takes another picture. I roll my eyes, and ignore the click that follows. "Okay! My turn!" Sue say, and takes Emily from Charlie's arms. Jaden puts her hand on my arm, and asks me if she can go see Charlie. I tell her yes through my mind, but she can't bite him. She nods,waits. "Charlie, this is Jaden." I tell him and he smiles at her. "Can I?" He asks, and I nod. I hand Jaden over to him, and she nuzzles into him. His heart about melts, and he kisses her head. "That's what you made me feel like when you were that little." Alice whispers into my ear and hugs me. "I love you." I whisper back, and she hugs me tighter. "I love you too Alexa." She says. Seth passes John to Sue, and she gushes over how beautiful he is. Mom and Dad are playing with Emily and Alexandra, and Jake and Nessie are talking and laughing. I can't help but think about past Christmas's with Jaden, and try not to cry. "Let's go outside." Dad suggests, probably reading my mind. I nod, and walk out the front door. I sit in the porch, and wipe away the tears that fall. "Alexa, this isn't what she would have wanted for you. She would have wanted you to be happy." My dad says, and sits next to me. "I try. I try really hard, but I didn't even get to say goodbye. I was supposed to have a million more Christmas eve's with her." I say and sniffle. "Hey, maybe this is the way it's supposed to be. Maybe it's all meant to be. You have three wonderful children, a husband, and a family that loves you." He says, and I nod. "I was supposed to be a doctor." I say, and he looks at me confused. "I am graduating in May. I say, and he looks at me shocked. "But you 18?" He says. "Yeah, I um skipped a bunch of grades because I knew it all. I was valedictorian in high school, and am graduating from Harvard Medical school in a few months. I'm valedictorian again." I say and he gasps. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" He asks. "I was a little occupied, and I wasn't going to graduate, but this is what Jaden wanted. She wanted to see me graduate college and be a doctor." I say. "Then do it." He says, and I look at him wide eyed. "That's what you want right?" He says, and I shake my head. "I always wanted to explore. To go on a trip to no where. To get lost, and have fun doing it.I know it sounds reckless, and dumb." I say, and he shakes his head. "I think that you need to do what makes you happy. If you don't want to be a doctor then screw it all. You can be whatever you want." He says, and I smile. "Your right." I say and he smiles and hugs me. "I'm always right" He says, and I laugh. "Yeah right!" I say and pull him up with me. "What I am!" He says and I shake my head. We walk through the door and it literally looks like all hell broke loose. Emily is chasing Charlie around the living room, the twins are screaming, and everyone is trying to calm them down. I walk over, and take them both into my arms, and they calm down. "Now was that necessary?" I ask them, and they nod smiling. I laugh and shake my head. "Okay! Lunch is ready!" Sue announces, and we all make our way into the small kitchen. "Are you okay?" Seth asks, wrapping his arm around my waist. "I am now." I say and kiss him before sitting down and feeding Jaden as he feeds John. Then we exchange presents, and talk for a long time. When we finally get home it is midnight, and I am exhausted. I change the twins and Emily into their Pajamas. The twins sleep in their cribs, and Emily sleeps in between me and Seth. Then I drift off to sleep, and dream about Jaden.

The Other Twin: the story of Renesmee's twin.Where stories live. Discover now