Chapter 16

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"Alright Alexa, that was probably your last contraction! You will start pushing soon." Carlisle says, adjusting my I.V. "What? No fair! Why won't my baby come out!Nessie complains. I laugh, "I bet he/she is afraid because there are about a million people in here!" "Agreed!" She says. "Okay, Seth, Alice, you stay by Alexa's bed. Mom, Rose and Jacob by Renesmee. Edward, you can stay if you want." Carlisle says. "I want Esme too!" I say, seeing that he forgot her. He nods, and Jasper and Emmet leave the room. "Okay Alexa, it's time." Carlisle says, looking up. I nod, and take a deep breath in, tightly grabbing Seth's hand. "Okay, 1,2,3" Carlisle says. I push as hard as I can, again and again. I hold onto Seth's hand really tightly, and soon I hear a cry. Carlisle smiles, "It's a girl!" "Let me see her!" I say, panting. He puts her in a blanket and gives her to me. "Pretty girl." I coo into her ear. "Okay Alexa, I can see the babies head, time to push!" Carlisle says again. I hand the baby to Alice, who rocks her gently, and walks over to the counter, and cleans her off. I hold Seth's hand tighter than ever, and push as hard as I can. I hear a cry almost seconds later. Wow, who said birth was hard. "It's a boy!" Carlisle exclaims smiling even bigger. I reach out for him, and he is placed in my arms. "Seth, what should we name him?" I ask, stroking his face. "Here, give him cover, I'll clean him up." Carlisle says, and takes the baby. "Okay, here are your babies!" Alice says, beaming as she hand me the twins. "Okay, I have an idea. I'll name the boy, you name the girl." Seth says and I nod. I hand him the boy, and he cradles him awkwardly. I move Seth's arms to where he supports the head, and is snuggling him. "Okay I got it. His name is John Edward Clearwater." He says, smiling down at his son. "I love it." I say, and smile at him. I look down at my little girl, who is sucking on her fingers. "Jaden. Jaden Isabella Clearwater." I say, and he kisses my head. "Okay! My turn!" Mom says, reaching out for Jaden. I hand Jaden to her, and she smiles. "She looks like you" My mom says. I smile at her, and take John from Seth. "I think they look more like Seth." I say, smiling down at my boy. "Disagreed. You can totally see their inner vampire."Seth says. "We should probably get them dressed." Alice says, reaching for John. "I'll do it." I say, getting up from the bed. "Alright then! Can I at least pick out the outfits?" Alice begs, making puppy dog eyes. "Alright! Nothing fancy. And bring it back here!" I yell at her as she runs out the room. "Guys, Nessie is going into the push stage!" Carlisle says, taking Nessie's vitals and all that. Mom runs over, and I cradle both of the twins in my arms. I look down at them, and rock them as Nessie pushes, and screams. Luckily the twins are really deep in sleep, and don't even hear it when my little niece starts to cry. "Okay! I got the clothes!" Alice says running in. "Awh! Another baby girl to dress up!" Alice squeals, placing the clothes on my bed, and walking over to where the blood covered baby is. I put Jaden into the bassinet, and lay now woken up John onto the bed. I unwrap him from his blanket, and put his arms through a blue onesie. I button the snap things at the bottom, and put his white socks and hat on. "Alice, will you feed him?" I ask. She nods, and scoops up John, smiling at him. I pull a sleeping Jaden out of the bassinet. I put her in a matching outfit but in pink, and kiss her cheek, before cradling her against me. "Okay, I have bottles for everyone, but Ally he won't take it from me, so you'd better try." Alice says, swapping babies with me, and handing a bottle to Renesmee. "Come on John, you can do it." I whisper into his ear. I cross my fingers, and put the bottle into his mouth. He drinks it in like five seconds flat. "Ha! I am the bottle feeding champion." I say laughing, and kissing John on the cheek. "No fair!" Nessie and Alice complain. "Give me my baby." I tell Alice laughing. She hands her over and I feed Jaden a bottle with no problem. "No fair." Alice repeats, getting into the bed with me, and stroking John's cheek. I rest my head on her shoulder, and hold both of my babies. Esme takes a picture, and I smile. "Where are the boys?"Renesmee asks. "Seth and Jacob went to go get Dad,Jasper, and Emmet." I say. She nods, and plays with her daughters toes. "You know, you should probably name her." I say, raising an eyebrow. "I will!" Renesmee says looking down at her. "Mommy!!!" Emily yells running to the side of the bed. "Shh, shh. Your baby brother and sister are asleep!" I tell her. Alice picks her up, and sets her in between us. "Where's the boy?!" Emmet booms running into the room. "Here, but he's asleep! So shut up." I tell Emmet, and he chuckles loudly. "I'm serious. If you wake up a sleeping baby, you'll be cursed. It's a thing. I saw it on friends." I tell him, and he laughs. "You wanna hold him?" I say him and he nods. I hand him John and smile at how tiny he looks in Emmets arms. "What's his name?" Emmet asks bouncing him. "John Edward Clearwater." I tell him, and Dad smiles. "Can I see my first granddaughter?" Dad asks, and I hand her over to him smiling. "Her name is Jaden." I tell him. His eyes snap up. "After your friend?" He asks. "Yeah. I know she'd be proud of me. She is my daily reminder of my best friend." I tell him, and he hands her back to me, hugging me. "I love you." He says. "I love you too Daddy." I respond smiling. "Come on man! Let me hold him!" Jasper complains to Emmet. "But I don't Want to..." Emmet whines, and Rosalie puts a hand on his shoulder. "Don't go all soft on us!" I say smirking at him. He rolls his eyes, before kissing his cheek, and handing John over to Jasper. "Okay, let me hold Jaden!" Rosalie says, taking her out of my arms. She smiles at her, then at me. "So Nessie, are we agreed on the name?" Jacob asks her. She nods and takes a deep breath. "Guys, say hello to Alexandra Rose Black." Renesmee says, smiling. "We named her after her godmother, if you accept of course Alexa." Jacob says. I smile and nod. "Okay Seth, you agree with my decisions?" I ask and he smiles, kissing my head. "Okay, Emmet, you are John's godfather. Leah will be his Godmother." I say. "And Jake, you'll be Jaden's godfather. Alice, you'll be her godmother." Seth says smiling. "Yes! I accept a million time! She's going to be the best dressed baby in town!" Alice squeals, and I laugh. "Okay! Family photo time!" Esme says. Emily sits between me and Seth. I hold John, and Seth holds Jaden. Emmet stands by me and John, and Alice and Jacob stand by Seth. Esme takes a million photos, then I hand John to Emmet, and take pictures with Nessie, Jake, and Alexandra. "Okay, can we get out of this room! It's not big enough for all of us!" Mom says, and everyone exits. I give John his pacifier, and Seth gives Jaden hers. "Ready to go home Emmy?" I ask and she nods. I put John and Jaden into their stroller, and go downstairs. "Guys, we're gonna head home! I'm sure that the staff has been looking for us everywhere!" I say, and they laugh. "When do I get a castle?" Renesmee complains. "You don't! I'm the favorite remember?" I say and wink, before disappearing out the door. "Let's go. I'm so tired!" Seth says, grabbing Emily's hand as we cross the street, and turn down the street the house is on. "You're tired! I'm the one who gave birth." I tell him, punching his arm. He laughs and says,"touché.". "There you are! Who's kids?" Charles asks as we walk through the front door. "Ours, and we need a nursery as soon as possible." Seth tells him and Charles nods before running off. We walk into the living room, and let Emily hold the twins carefully. "Mommy, I like them." Emily says. "That's good, I think they will be around for a while." I say laughing. She smiles her dimply smile, and proceeds to tell the twins about how she is Emily, sailor by day, ninja by night, and best big sister all the time. I lean into Seth, and hold my little J(Jaden's nickname.) as Seth holds both Emily and John, whom Emily won't stop bugging. "Mommy! Let's watch Cinderella!" Emily says, and I nod. The living room maid puts in the movie and makes us popcorn. We sit in here, talking, watching, eating, and I smile. I smile at our little family, I smile at our new home, and I smile because I know that we will be alright.

Hey friends! This is not the end lol... I know it sounds like one, but it's not:) oh and btw you all rock, and I love all of you guys. AND OMG WE HIT 300 TODAY! THANKS SO MUCH! YALL ROCK, KEEP DOING YOU.

The Other Twin: the story of Renesmee's twin.Where stories live. Discover now