Chapter 1: The Collision of your kiss.

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Suddenly, I felt a hand grab me by the hair and pull my face towards theirs. I thought maybe a fan had jumped up on stage and was expecting security any minute now, so I didn’t make a fuss and I just carried on playing the song. They were probably just a little over-excited, no biggie. But for a split second, I opened my eyes just to glance quickly, and came face to face with Gerard, his eyes staring directly into mine. I felt my knees become weak.

I realized it wasn’t a crazed fan; it was Gerard. Gerard Way. The man that's always making perverted jokes with me and kissing me crazily as if it means nothing, yet I always have to stop dead in my tracks when he does this stuff. I don't know what comes over me, but I knew I had to stop playing for a minute.

He raised his arm, his pale white hand tangling messily in my sweaty hair. He pulled my face to his and his lips crushed mine, hard. This kiss was different to the others we’d do on stage- it was more passionate, meaningful. Both the crowd and I loved it.

He pulled away far too soon, leaving me vulnerable and dizzy. I had to think quickly and continue with the song, You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison, before anyone noticed that I enjoyed it way more than I should have. The disappointment I felt was strong and filled my whole body, along with an overwhelming cluster of butterflies in my stomach. I told myself I would forget about it for now and ask him about it later. That sounded like a plan, ut I just couldn't forget- not entirely. The next day when I saw him lounging around, I reluctantly brought up last night.

“Frankie, it was for the fans," he said playfully, pulling my face to his chest and ruffling my hair in his hands.

“Oh,” I mumbled. He could tell I was disappointed, but as I was about to speak again, Lindsey strutted in.

“That was…" She cleared her throat. "...Some kiss, you guys,” she said awkwardly. Her eyes changed to a hint of hatred as she looked from Gerard to meet my eyes.

“Like I said, it was for the fans…” He pushed me off him and stood to wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her gently on the cheek.

“Okay, Gee." She smiled into his hair and I had to refrain from borking.

I sat, motionless, when Ray and Mikey peeked their heads around the door to tell us the interviewers were ready. Of course, I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could, so I jumped up and walked quickly past Ray and Mikey. They could tell something was wrong with me. I felt their eyes glued to my back as I walked towards the large, brightly lit room.

There were about ten interviewers and forty fans. That’s one-hundred eyes, in one room. And no doubt they’d be asking about the kiss. One-hundred eyes all on me and waiting for my reaction. Of course, everybody knows I’m openly bisexual and all for gay rights. Especially Lindsey, she despises me, but I have nothing to hide.

WIth some of the looks she gives me, I'm clearly not her favourite person in the world. Sometimes I return the favour, but sometimes I just look away and ignore her glare.

Gerard and Lindsey walked in laughing, holding hands and whispering in each other’s ears. One interviewer in particular noticed my quick shift in the seat I was sitting on. He gave me an empathetic look...surely he didn't know what was going on in that messed up brain of mine?

As the interview started, I realised that the first question was going to be about the kiss. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat again. Gerard noticed this time, and gave me one of his crooked half smiles, his eyes flashing to mine. Then they moved so quickly into Lindsey's and the smile became bigger; his eyes became brighter. I knew I would always be second best when it came to her.

"So, guys, I think you know what’s coming; that kiss last night…” the interviewer filled the awkward silence with more awkwardness.

“We were just giving the crowd what they wanted.” Gerard answered first. He was apparently speaking for the two of us now.

As the interviewer was about to comment further when someone from the audience shouted, “Can you kiss Frank like you did on Saturday night?”

My eyes seemed to gleam as I waited for Gerard's answer. I looked at Gerard, he looked at me, then at Lindsey.

“Hell no!” He laughed and ran a hand through his hair. The audience looked disappointed, but not as disappointed as I felt.  “Nah, that stuff just kind of happens," he followed on after. Everyone laughed along with him and Lindsey.

The rest of the interview didn’t concern me, Mikey and Ray. Gerard answered most of the questions for us. I sat, remembering everything to do with that kiss; his lips, my lips, his grip on my hair. I knew something was wrong with Gerard. There was definately something going on. He was acting stranger than usual.

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