Chapter 2: Realising the Truth.

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All that night, I lay awake, I couldn’t sleep. All I could think about was what I could have said in that interview. ‘That stuff just kind of happens,' echoed through my mind, over and over again.

That made me feel a little better. Remembering what he said made me feel as though he did want to kiss me again, but when everyone was staring at me as Gerard gave his answer, it knocked every ounce of hope out of me. 

I laughed dryly to myself; I looked so stupid. If I wanted to kiss him so badly, I should I have said something,or at least answered before he could. 

Okay then, c’mon Gee, I would have chuckled. If he had refused, I could have always just turned it around as if it was a playful joke and that I didn’t really want to. But why should I have to hide my feelings? Gerard was always the one I could open up to, but since Lindsey came into the picture we’re not as close anymore. He’s still the same Gerard, and I’m the same Frank, but we’re not us.

From what it looks like, it’s almost as though Lindsey has taken over his life. She’s his worl, .I used to be. We'd known each other since high school, we were both nobodies but we were nobodies together.

I met up with Gerard as he was saying goodbye to Lindsey before we got on the tour bus. As he kissed her on the forehead I couldn’t help but convince myself how everything he's feeling for her is fake. I was still pondering on that kiss.

Gerard and I stuck together on the bus. Mikey, Ray and Bob went off to play Monopoly, being the only thing to keep us occupied. Gerard and I sang to each other- well, I played guitar and he sang most of the time. I don't consider my voice to be the best, however, Gerard tells me otherwise. We joked about a lot. His voice shook as he giggled at my jokes, so I laughed along awkwardly.

 After that, everyone went to bed except us. We stayed up most of the night just talking and having a catch up. We were literally like a pair of teenage girls. It felt good, I liked being with Gerard and I knew he liked being with me too.

When Gerard and I did go to bed, we slept in the bunks opposite each other, so we left the curtains open and pulled goofy faces at each other all night. We laughed too hard and woke Ray up at one point, but being the big fro he is, he rolled over and sighed before drifting off again.

Eventually Gerard fell asleep facing me, so I lay awake once again, this time studying every inch of his soft, pale face, his slightly chapped lips, his eyelids slowly flickering as he dreamt the unknown. His slim chest as it ever so gently rose up and down as of every deep, controlled breath that he took.

As I closed my eyes, my vision of Gerard faded and I found myself in a dreamless sleep.

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