Chapter 11: Now I know that I can't make you stay.

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I heard a loud buzzing noise in my ear. I had a text. I checked the time and saw that it was three in the morning, and it was from an unknown number.

Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, Gerard. You'll pay for that show. Everything you said out there will come back to haunt you for the rest of your miserable life with 'Frankenweenie.'

Good bye...Gee-Bear.

Well. What a creepy way to start the morning.

I looked down at Frank who was still fast asleep. He was flat out after that show. I guess he let his nerves really get to him.

Frankie. My Frankie. I loved saying that.

But who was that text from? I checked through my unknown caller history and see if any of the numbers matched.

Of course. Why didn't I guess it was Lindsey? Obviously Lindsey. She was going to take Frank away from me.

Well, she could try, but she wouldn't be able to whilst I was around.

Frank started stirring, and I didn't want him to know about this text, so I put my phone back under the pillow again and slowly snuggled into him, his arm sub-conciously wrapping around me and pulling me closer.

At ten AM I woke up. I wasn't sure why until I looked next to me and saw Frank. He was sweating and shouting my name in his sleep. Crying. He was crying in his sleep, over me. He jumped every few seconds.

"Frank? Frank baby? Wake up? Please, Frank?" I whispered in his ear, stroking the side of his arm, shaking it every now and again.

He stirred, but refused to wake up.

A few minutes later, he calmed down, and just when I thought he was sleeping...

"Gerard!" He screamed, shooting up like a bullet off of his pillow and screaming in the process.

"Frank! Frank, I'm here. It's okay baby." I pulled his head into my chest and stoked his hair soothingly. He tried to pull away but I refused until his breathing was at a non-alarming pace. I could feel his body shaking in beat to his heart.

When he had calmed down, I pulled his head away and allowed him to explain.

"W-well, Lindsey- she took you away from me. She took you and I never- I never got to say goodbye, Gerard. She took you right out of my arms."

"Look at me, Frank. I promise you, from the bottom of my heart, I'll never go back to her. You'll never lose me, okay?" I placed a finger under his chin and pulled his face up to mine to meet eyes. I crushed my lips onto his, and he deepened the kiss.

"Geraaard!" Frank shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I pulled my pants and a Misfits shirt on and stumbled down the stairs into Frank, nearly knocking him straight over. He caught me. 

"Woah there..." he laughed and peckd me on the lips. "I'm going out for a while, but I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Ah, Frank can't I come? I don't want you to leave," I winked, pulling him closer.

He backed away.

"N-no Gerard. It's secret, you can't know about it," he winked back. "I'll be a few hours, I'll see you when I get in, okay? I love you," he said, before kissing me lightly on the cheek. I loosened my grip on his waist and let him bound out of the door.

"Well, I know I can't make you stay," I said queitly, but he was already out of the house and the front door was closed. I wondered where he was going. What was I supposed to do for a couple of hours? I had a lot of time to kill.


Sat in Starbucks by myself, having a lot of girls hitting on me, had to be the most awkwardest time of my life.

One girl, she was beautiful mind, tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey, my names Harriett. You're kinda cute...would you like to um, maybe go out- I mean, like, on a date?"

"Hey," I smiled. "I'm Gerard, nice to meet you, but sorry, I don't bat for that team honey." I gave a reassuring smile.

"O-oh, well, that's a shame. I'm so sorry, nice talking to you..." she mumbled before turning away. I couldn't help but burst into uncontrolable laughter- but was cut short when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out, half expecting to see Unknown as the ID. I was relieved when I saw Frankenweenie the adorable midget. I sighed and unlocked my phone, revealing a text message.

Where are you? I'm back, I'll come and meet you.


I typed back, eager to know where my Frank had been and what he'd been up to.

Five minutes later, Frank walked through Starbucks' door.

"So, where did you go?" I questioned him.

"Uh, still can't say. I have to go back again tomorrow though. S'that okay?"

"Yeah, I suppose..." I sighed. Why couldn't he just tell me? My anxiety started to kick in. Where did he go? Why does he have to go back again? Why can't  he tell me? Why can't I go with him? What if he's meeting someone? A girl? A boy..?

I completely zoned out whilst Frank was talking to me, blabbing on. I nodded and agreed every few minutes or so, when it was needed.

My phone vibrated again. Unknown ID.

Want to know where your boyfriend has been?

Meet me by the cemetery gates. Midnight.

Was she serious? Like I was going to meet her.


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