Chapter 7: The World is Ugly, Gerard.

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Gerard's P.O.V

"I could stay like this forever," I sighed as I snuggled my head into his lap, stroking his arm that was around me.

"So could I, Gee-Bear," Frank giggled. I tried to stop my laughter and sat up quickly. 

"Gee-Bear? That's the best 'pet name' you could come up with?" I smiled, challengingly.

"Yeah, because Frankie is really creative," he sighed, trying to hide his smile under his pet lip and puppy dog eyes.

"Fine then." We sat there for a while, until I had a brainwave. "I've got it!" I yelled. "Frankenweenie!"

Frank pouted. "Gerard, that makes me sound like a midget!" He cried out. Damn, he's cute.

"Fine, Frankenweenie, the adorable midget."

He perked up a bit, still trying to hide his giggless as he nuzzled me, and his laughter errupted, his breath tickling my neck. I scrunched my face up when he moved to my ear and whisperd seductively.


"Y-yes?" I shivered.

"Frankenweenie, the adorable midget, would like you to do something for him..." His whispers tickled my ear and neck as his free hand tiptoed up my arm with his fingertips and rested on my shoulder.

Okay, at this point I was willing to do anything for him.

"W-what would you like me to do?" I shivered again.

"I would like you to, hm."

"What?" I pressed.

"Aah, nothing."

"Please, tell me." I begged, turning my face to his to plant a kiss on his lips.

He turned away, as if he wasn't interested. "No, no, never mind. Unless..."

My face lit up, and he rolled over, straddling my hips, planting tiny kisses on my cheek.

"Would you..."

"Anything." I replied.

"...go make me some coffee, I'm dying for some. Haven't had a cup since I was puking up testicles," he sighed, resting his head on my shoulder and hugging me, trying to contain his giggles once again. He nuzzliled his face in my hair.

"Really, Frank? You really had me going there for a second."

He tutted at me. "Naughty boy. Maybe later," he grinned.

I felt my face flush with embarrassment and I jumped up to run to the kitchen. I made two cups of coffee from the coffee machine he had in the kitchen and ran back over, handing it to him. He smiled gratefully.

I wondered what he had planned for later.


Lindsey's P.O.V

I was still sat there. I hadn't moved since Gerard left; since I made him leave.

At two o'clock in the morning, on the streets of New Jersey, in winter, with no-where to go.

I wondered where he was? I felt numb. He was glad I wasn't expecting because he wasn't ready to have a child with me.

I picked up my phone from my bed and dialled 'My Geexo'...need to remember to change that if things don't work out.

I heard a few rings. It went straighr to answer phone. I tried again and again. After my fifth attempt, I heard an answer.

"Yeah?" he laughed down the phone. Something wasn't right. Normally he'd answer with 'Hey Linds!' or 'What's up baby?' Had he deleted my number?

Then I heard him. That voice was recogniseable anywhere.

"Geraard..." I heard Frank. He was at Frank's place.

"Be quiet, Frankenweenie!" Gerard snickered quietly down the phone.

"Gee-Bear, seriously? Frankenweenie the adorable midget is shit."

I could just see it now. Frank giving Gerard the puppy dog eyes, batting his eyelashes, pouting. Then Gerard would lean in ever so slowly and-

I hung up the phone. I couldn't take it anymore.

Gerard, Frank, give three cheers for sweet revenge. You're going to regret crossing me.


Gerard's P.O.V

Whoever it was must've hung up. Well, screw them then.

I turned to Frank who was looking at me questioningly as I snickered at the unknown number in my call history.

"Who was that?" He asked, raising one of his perfectly shaped eyebrows, which was above his perfect, brown, gleaming eyes, resting on his perfect, pale, soft skin- no Gerard, snap out of it and answer his question.

"Just some girl, guess she was homophobic or something. She hung up when she heard our pet names and your voice- shit." I cut myself off with a sudden realization. "It was Lindsey." I sighed. "I deleted her number, I completely forgot, Frank!"

"Oh, yeah, makes sense. Guessing she hates me even more now," he laughed.

"Well, anyway, forget her. Now, where were we?" I smiled seductively, pulling him closer. I leaned in, not taking my eyes away from his lips.

I kissed his finger. He had raised it to use as a barrier from our lips meeting.

"Coffee, I believe." Frank grinned his beautiful, heart melting smile.

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