Chapter 10: Famous last words...are not the last.

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This was it, five minutes before the show. Frank was stood next to me, his hand entwined with mine, shaking like a leaf. I leaned over and kiss him on the cheek slowly, earning an 'aw' from Ray, kissy faces from Bob, and one of Mikey's famous poker faces.

We walked on stage and formed into our usual positions, getting everything ready. All I can hear is 'M, C, R, M, C, R, M, C, R, M, C, R...' being chanted from the crowd, but I tried my best to ignore it. I shot Fankie a reassuring grin from behind my mic and he did the same, only I knew he didn't mean it.

Half way through the set. Everything was going great and it was time to play our song. Frank's song.

"Now, we're gonna to play a new song for you guys. And it's dedicated to a very special man on this stage, right here."

The crowd look puzzled but carried on cheering.

"You'll find out soon enough who it is, don't you worry." I winked, but I know they already know who it is.

"This song is called...Demolition Lovers!" I cried out, and begin singing. Frank couldn't stop shaking.

At the end of the song, I slowly dropped my mic, and walked over to Frank, lust in my eyes. I heard the audience gasp and whisper 'It's Frank, it's Frank' to one another. I completely ignored them and carried on walking over to him. I place an arm around his waist and one hand on his cheek. He burried his face into my hand, eyes closed, breathing in my scent. I pulled him closer and locked him in a kiss.

The crowd went crazy. I heard the guys laughing at our reaction from behind us as we pulled away suddenly and looked at the screaming fans. We laughed it off and turned to look at eachother when we were interrupted by a very loud, rude chant, coming from all of the Mindless Self Indulgence fans. 

"Lindsey! Lindsey! Lindsey!" Was all we could hear over the top of our fans.

I picked up the microphone in irritation and shouted out my anger.

"Lindsey is long gone! I love Frank! Fucking! Iero!" I smiled. I was pretty pleased with myself.

Frank giggled quietly. Bob made some more kissy faces, Ray bobbed his fro in agreement, and Mikey rolled his eyes, but I swear I saw him smiling.

And those words, were my famous last words on that set.

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