Chapter 12: Cemetery Drive.

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I'd been stood there a half hour. I was freezing. Why did I even agree to that?

12am. I heard the gates rattling, so I hid just in case it was the cops. Lindsey emerged from the darkness and appeared like a phantom in front of me. Quite ironic, actually. I laughed my nerves off and took a step forward.

"What is wrong with you Lindsey? Why won't you leave us alone?"

"Because it's supposed to be me and you. Not you and him."

"What ever, why did you drag me here? I'm fucking tired, I just want to go to bed."

She laughed. "You won't want to be in the same house, let alone the same bed as him when-"

I must have looked like a ghost as she cut the sentence short. I could feel the blood draining from my face. She laughed again.

"Frank...he's been a very naughty boy, Gerard," she laughed, slowly pacing around me, not losing eye contact.

"Why?" Had my suspicions been comfirmed? Was he meeting a boy behind my back? "Is he cheating on me?"

Her face turned harsh, cold. My knees failed to support my weight with the answer she gave.


I felt as though I'd just been kicked over and over again in the gut. I forgot to breathe. I fell to the ground and gasped for air, not believing what I just heard. Frank? Him, of all people, was cheating on me? After everything we'd been through?

"With who?" I finally managed choke out after a long silence.


That girl from the record store? The one that's always flirting with Frank? But he just pushes her away...she know's he doesn't like her.

My breathing became uneven and I poured my heart out onto the floor, whilst Lindsey stood over me, watching. She was pleased with her work. Then it occoured to me. How did she know?

"How do you-" is all I managed before I realized she was gone.

Wait. Was she following him? And what about those texts? Something wasn't right. I brushed myself off, and headed unsteadily home, clutching my chest for comfort.

I was planning to confront Frank about it, whether he was sleeping or not, but I found it hard to even walk through the front door, let alone see him. So I slept on the couch. It smelled of him. That didn't help with the old heart strings.


Frank's P.O.V

I woke up at 9:30, alone. Maybe Gerard was already up? I pulled on some pants and Gerard's old checked shirt and walk down the stairs, ready to give him a big squeeze before I left again. He'd find out where I'd been going soon enough.

As I gallopped down the stairs I thought of Mikey's obsession with unicorns and laughed to myself. Silly Mikey.

I froze solid when I saw Gerard lying on the sofa, in the foetus position. He was clutching his chest and tears stained both of his cheeks, his breathing was uneven. I knelt down next to him. What could have happened? I placed my hand on his cheek gently and whispered his name.

"Gerard?" I called. For a moment he placed his hand on my hand and breathed in my scent. Then a sudden realisation occoured and he pulled away, shooting upright with a horrified expression on his face.

"Gera-" I was cut off.

"Don't speak, Frank. Let me. Where have you been going?"

"Gerard, I can't say."

"Well, then, I'm leaving this time. And I'm not coming back."

My eyes grew wide. "What? Please, Gerard, what's gotten into you?" I whispered, tears running down my cheeks freely. He stoped for a single moment and thought, obviously coming to one conclusion. To explain.

"I know you've been cheating on me, Frank...with that Jamia girl. I thought you loved me," he managed to choke out, without letting the rivers escape his now tightly shut eyelids.

"What? I do love you, Gerard! I would never do that to you! Who's put this in your head? You know how much you mean to me!" And at that note, I fell to my knees as they failed me, my arms flew outwards and wrapped tight around his knees, whilst sobbing quietly into his jeans.

He shook me off and backed away, through the front door. That was it. He was gone. He walked out of my life for good. Without a single last word. My Gerard was gone and I did nothing to stop him from leaving. He had really left me.

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