Chapter 4: When it started.

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As I awoke, Gerard was laying next to me; we were layed forehead to forehead. my stomach filled with the same butterflies as that night. His arms were wrapped tightly around me and I could feel his breath on my neck whichfelt unreasonably good. I rolled over and nuzzled my head into him again. I was slowly drifting off again when Gerard groaned, letting me know he was waking up. God damn.

“You okay Frankie?” He sighed, yawning and stretching his arms upwards.

“Yep!” I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around his torso. “Thanks for the hot chocolate.” I added, still smiling hugely.

”That’s fine, ” he sighed. “You owe me one though!” He playfully punched me in the arm.

"Sure, sure..." I sighed. I didn't want to talk anymore, I just wanted to lay there, just me and him.

But of course, Lindsey still existed. And she just had to call. Reality hit.

"Shit!" Gerard exclaimed as he jumped up to look at the time. Twelve o'clock noon. We'd slept seven hours. No wonder she was calling him.

"Oh, hey Linds," Gerard spoke soothingly down the phone. "...Nah I must have drifted off on the couch." Of course, lie to your girlfriend. I chuckled slightly. "No. Nope. Yes, of course. Y- m'hm. Okay, love you t-, yeah, bye." He put the phone down quickly to look up at me with his gleaming eyes.

"Linds just blabbing on again..."

"Oh, like usual?" I scoffed, my voice lathered in sarcasm.

"You take that back," Gerard urged playfully. I didn't realise what he was doing until he suddenly crouched down into a pouncing position and dived onto the bed like a couger, pinning me down and straddling my hips, his hands holding my wrists firmly to the bed. I struggled to comprehend what just happened.

"What's the matter princess? Can't take me?" He smiled his crooked grin at me again.

That was it.

"Can't take you?" I exclaimed, pulling him onto my chest for a split second whilst unwrapping my legs from his to roll him over. After a little struggling and a lot of Gerard's chuckle that shook the entire bed, I found myself on top of him, pinning him down.

"Hah. Now who's the princess?"

"Still you." Gerard's laugh shook the bed again, this time I laughed along as our grips weakend and we fell down next to eachother on the bed.

"I love you, man," Gerard sighed.

"I love you too." I spoke quietly. Suddenly, I felt an urge to say something more than just I love you.

"I love being with you." The words came as a shock to both of us. I looked at him quickly to read his face, which was far from humoured to say the least. Why the fuck did I say that?

I sat staring blankly ahead, my mouth in an O shape. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe what I'd just said. I felt completely helpless.

Just as Gerard opened his mouth to speak, he was interupted by my stomach. It made the loudest noise you'd ever heard. It sounded like a dying whale...or maybe a cat. I've never heard the sound of a dying whale before.

"You don't sound too good." Gerard looked at me uneasily.

"I don't feel too-" I half replied. I then, of course, vomit all over the floor and half on Gerard's shoe. Great. I spill my feelings and my insides all over him. Fucking great.

I don't love you like I did yesterday (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now