Chapter 8: Hopeless for you.

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Waking up next to Gerard was exactly how I thought it'd feel. I smiled like an idiot, giggling as I remember the events of last night.

Then I frowned. Lindsey seemed pretty pissed off on the phone. Maybe we should drop in later and Gerard can explain why he's leaving her...for me. That thought brought the idiotic smile back onto my face again.

I sighed, and decide to go make Gerard some breakfast for when he wakes up, but as I shuffled sideways to climb- more like fall out of bed, a hand grabbed me by the waist and pulled be back to him, closer than before, to rest his head on my chest. Eh, maybe I'd just sleep a little while longer.


Gerard's P.O.V

I jerked awake as I felt the bed shudder from underneath Frank shuffling, attempting to get out of bed. Nuh-uh. I don't think so.

I wrapped my free arm around his waist and pulled him back towards me, nuzzling my face into his soft, shirtless chest. 

I woke up about a half an hour later and realized we're going to have to face Lindsey. Oh no, I totally forgot I was supposed to be meeting her family! Well, I guessed I could always blow them off- no I couldn't. I just couldn't. Lindsey was heartbroken enough as it is, and her family were so excited to be meeting...her boyfriend.

Wow, I really hadn't thought this through before.

"Frank, wake up...Frank? Frankenweenie? Frank, baby...Frank!"

Nothing. He was snoring, so I knew he wasn't dead. His snore was adorable. I didn't know how long I sat there for, admiring him as he slept, but I was rudely interupted by a knocking at the door. Who dared to knock on my Frank's door this early? It was- 12 in the afternoon. Oh.

I slowly slid my way out from underneath Frank to pull on some underwear and one of his old shirts and scramble my way out the bedroom doorway to answer the front door. From what I could make out behind the blurred and patterned glass, it was a girl. Black hair, tied up in pig tails, fairly short, with a red jacket on, a tartan skirt and boots.

"L-Lindsey...what are you doing here?" I asked, trying to sound enthusiastic, but failing miserably. She picked up on the awkward atmosphere and jumped straight in there.

"Look, I know you have feelings for Frank. I mean, that's completely normal. You've known him since high school, you practically grew up together. You watched eachother triumph and fall, you helped eachother when it came to bullies, teachers, parents. But you and me, we're soul mates. You and Frank are friends. Just friends. Understand?"

"No, I can't say I do understand Lindsey?" I was ready to snap. How dare she walk on in here and tell me who I may or may not be in love with. How very dare she.

"You know what I mean Gerard. I know you love me. Now come on, get dressed and lets go meet my family as boyfriend and girlfriend." That word, girlfriend. I didn't like it. It didn't fit. I seriously didn't understand why she was pushing me so far over the edge. I snapped.

"Go away and leave me and Frank alone, Lindsey! I love him and he loves me. That's all we need. Okay? Frank is my everything, always has been, always will be. Yes, you are right, I love you. I do, but I'm not in love with you. There's a big difference. I suggest you go and leave us both to get on with our lives without you."

Was that too harsh? Nah.

I looked up, innocently, waiting for her reaction, but there alwas nothing. She was watching something behind me.

I felt Franks skinny, tattoo'd arms stretch around my shoulders from behind and kiss me gently on the neck.

"Morning, Gee-Bear," he whispered, smiling cutely into my cheek. When he looked up and saw Lindsey, his smile faded.

"Awkward," he mumbled.

"I'll just go then. Yeah, I'll be g-going." Lindsey turned slowly, and walked solemnly away, turning every few seconds or so before she climbed into her car and drove away.

I don't love you like I did yesterday (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now