Can We Help?

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Katie and I hadn't interacted with Sherlock and John for the past two days. I'm pretty sure they were solving the case of the blind banker. I never really liked that case much. 

"Okay Katie, we have to help Sherlock with his cases. We don't know how long we're going to be in this Sherlock world so, we have to take risks. Plus I really want to meet Lestrade." I said.

"Wait, you know the next case involves our flat, 221C" Katie stated excitedly.

"Yes! We can go outside and hang out at Speedy's while we wait for Sherlock, John and Lestrade to come by. Then, we'll follow them into our flat." I was excited about our plan.

"Laura, you finally said flat instead of apartment. I'm proud of you." Katie pat me on the back before we both started giggling.

"Okay so, let's get to work on our plan." I said while walking out the door. 

Katie and I walked right next door to Speedy's. We then, got a table. When a waiter came by to take our orders I just got a lemonade and Katie got some iced tea. We both sat in silence sipping our drinks. occasionally looking out the window. Finally after a while, we saw Sherlock and John walking into their flat. Katie and I payed for our drinks them followed then into our flat.

"Oh hello Sherlock! Hello John! What brings you here!?" I said cheerily knowing full well why they were here.

"Can you unlock the door for us." Sherlock asked getting straight to the point.

"Yeah, why?" I asked skeptically even though I already knew the answer.

"Because your flat is at risk at going BOOM!" Sherlock answered.

"In that case Katie unlock the door."

Katie took the keys from her pocket and unlocked the door. Right in the middle of the floor were the shoes of Carl Powers. 

"How'd those shoes get in here. They weren't there before. Are they yours Laura?" Katie asked pretending to be surprised.

"No they're not mine. And who's that guy." I said pointing to Lestrade.

"Sorry, I'm detective inspector Lestrade and you are."

"I'm Laura and this is my best friend Katie."

"Do you know Sherlock?" D.I Lestrade asked.

"No not really he's our neighbor though. We know he's a detective." I answered.

"Can we help with whatever case you're working on now?"Katie asked.

"Yes." Sherlock said suprising everyone in the room.


Sorry for such a short chapter folks. I kind of got a little writers block. 



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