Kicking Butt

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Hey guys I would like to know of you guys actually enjoy this story. Without comments and votes I don't know if you do or not. By the way thank you @Adoriblekitten250, @rubies_gems and PeterPanFangirl22 I will start making dedications for those who vote and comment.

I will start updating every Saturday again. By the way I put some action in the story. Also I just want to know that the new cover is made by Galaxies_XIII . I hope you like it as much as I do. Enjoy.

Three men that were neither John or Sherlock rushed into the room. One grabbed Mrs.Hudsen while the other two grabbed Katie and I. The guy that grabbed me took my hands and pulled them behind my back. I kicked my right foot backwards and kicked him in his sensitive spot. The guy quickly dropped his hold against me and reached his hands down to his to cover where I had kicked. I turned around to look at him and saw his face was contorted with pain. I smiled satisfied with his reaction. To finish him off I took a heavy book and rammed it into his head as hard as I could. The guy fell to the floor unconscious.

I looked over to Katie to see if she needed any help. Katie aimed a punch at her attacker's face. The attacker caught her hand before she could hit him. Immediately I quickly sprinted behind the man and used the same heavy book I had used on my attacker and slammed it on the back of his head. He fell down unconscious as well.

"Thanks." Katie muttered breathing heavily.

I just nodded in response. Katie and I then turned to the leader of the group who had grabbed Mrs.Hudsen. He had a gun pointed at her head and his finger was ready to pull the trigger. Katie and I froze afraid that he would pull the trigger.

"Oh Sherlock, Sherlock." Mrs.Hudsen sniffled causing us to turn around to who she was talking to.

Katie and I sighed in relief knowing Sherlock was here.

"Don't sniffle Mrs.Hudsen. It will do nothing to impede the flight of a bullet." Sherlock ordered. "What a tinder world that would be." He added.

"Oh, please, sorry, Sherlock." Mrs.Hudsen apologized crying silently.

"I believe you have something that we want Mr.Holmes." The guy with the gun informed.

"I believe I do." Sherlock responded.

"Oh please Sherlock." Mrs.Hudsen begged letting out some more whimpers.

I was holding my breath hoping that what happened next would go as planned. I honestly terrified and if Mrs.Hudsen died I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

"You can stop pointing the gun at me." Sherlock stated.

"So you can point your gun at me?" The guy with the gun stated incredulously.

"I'm unarmed." Sherlock informed putting his hands up to prove his point.

"Mind if I check?" The gun guy said still not fully trusting Sherlock.

"Oh I insist." Sherlock spoke confidently.

Gun guy walked up to Sherlock and checked the front of him first. He patted his breast pocket and messed with his collar. Once satisfied that there was no gun in the front he moved onto the back patting around back there. As if giving us a signal Sherlock rolled his eyes and out of nowhere grabbed a spray can and sprayed it in gun Guy's face.

It was so hard not to laugh at gun guy. I felt bad for almost laughing at his pain but at the same time I didn't. To finish him off Sherlock head butt gun guy right in the face knocking him unconscious.

"Moron." Sherlock smirked throwing the spray can into the air and catching it.

Sherlock then slammed the spray can on the table and rushed over to us.

"Thank you." Mrs.Hudsen said relief showing on all her feature.

I rushed over and gave Sherlock a big hug that he definitely did not expect. At first he tensed at my embrace but then gave into it. Katie and Mrs.Hudsen then joined the embrace making it a group hug.

"You guys are all right now. You're safe." Sherlock assured.

I never wanted this moment to end because I was with people I cared about and my idol that I now knew cared about me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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